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Mug St Michael
Thoughts on the Passion
for Each Day in Lent
$10.00 Inc Tax
Thoughts on the Passion
for Each Day in Lent
As the title suggests, there is a thought or meditation for each day of Lent. Each thought is short - a minute or two - so that even the busiest followers of Christ will find the time.
The meditations end with a short petition, like "O Strength of the Weak! help me to find comfort in Thy sorrows!" (Second Day), or, words from Christ, like " Lose not this precious blood which is shed for you! Let it purify your souls, strengthen your wills, regulate your passions, heal all your wounds." (Third Day).
When Lent arrives, this booklet will provide a quick and easy way to remember the reason for the season.
Booklet, size 8" x 5", 31 pages, Impr 1887
- Availability: 5 In Stock