The Good Galilean

Lessons in Living from the Son of Man Himself
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The Good Galilean
Lessons in Living from the Son of Man Himself
by Archbishop Alban Goodier

In this new century, when each day brings us ever more salacious news about the evils of men and women, the life of Christ reminds us that goodness is not an illusion, holiness is worth striving for, and our existence has meaning and direction.

Jesus Christ – the Perfect Man that philosophers and storytellers have searched for since the dawn of history – was greater than storytellers have been able to imagine, more sublime than we had a right to hope.

In this modest little book, The Good Galilean, the holy bishop Alban Goodier highlights for us the quiet goodness of Our Lord, and in ways that place that goodness within our reach, too.

In it, we walk with Jesus, see him talking, answering questions, healing and consoling the men and women who are drawn to him – and in ways that Bishop Goodier shows are possible for us, whoever we are and wherever we live.

You know, the saints demonstrate that it’s possible, by grace, to imitate the model of goodness Jesus has provided us; Bishop Goodier shows how to do it.

Love as Jesus taught it was a new thing in the world. Love as he practiced it made the world another place. Now, with the help of The Good Galilean, it’s time for each of us to play our role in restoring to our suffering world the goodness purchased for it by Jesus.

Paperback, size 6.9" x 5", 97 pages

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