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On the Marks of the Church (paperback)
On the Marks of the Church
by St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Robert Bellarmine was not only the most prolific apologist of the 17th century, but of all time! Yet the loss of Latinity has relegated his valuable work to obscurity. Here at Mediatrix Press, we have proposed to change that.
Therefore, we have produced the first ever translation of St. Robert’s “On the Marks of the Church” into English, translated by Ryan Grant, the translator of the Canisius Catechism. In this valuable work, Bellarmine lays out no less than 15 Marks of the true Church, which are all developed from the 4 given by the Creed of the Council of Constantinople (second half of what we call the Nicene Creed). Bellarmine contrasts these marks with the marks posed by Protestant teaching, so as to show where the true Church really is. It is a short read, at 135 pages, but is beautiful and hard hitting on every point. A segment describing some miracles and anti-miracles at the end is especially enjoyable.
by St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Robert Bellarmine was not only the most prolific apologist of the 17th century, but of all time! Yet the loss of Latinity has relegated his valuable work to obscurity. Here at Mediatrix Press, we have proposed to change that.
Therefore, we have produced the first ever translation of St. Robert’s “On the Marks of the Church” into English, translated by Ryan Grant, the translator of the Canisius Catechism. In this valuable work, Bellarmine lays out no less than 15 Marks of the true Church, which are all developed from the 4 given by the Creed of the Council of Constantinople (second half of what we call the Nicene Creed). Bellarmine contrasts these marks with the marks posed by Protestant teaching, so as to show where the true Church really is. It is a short read, at 135 pages, but is beautiful and hard hitting on every point. A segment describing some miracles and anti-miracles at the end is especially enjoyable.
Paperback, 132 pages
Also available in Harback with dust jacket on request (additional cost)
- Availability: 1 In Stock