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Mug St Michael
St Andrew's Daily Missal
by Dom Gaspar Lefebvre
Dom Gaspar Lefebvre's edition of the St Andrew's Daily Missal is one of the most complete hand missals for lay people.
Features include:
Hardcover, size 6.8" x 4.2", 2030 pages
by Dom Gaspar Lefebvre
Dom Gaspar Lefebvre's edition of the St Andrew's Daily Missal is one of the most complete hand missals for lay people.
Features include:
- Complete with Vespers and the Kyriale in modern notation
- 5 multi colored ribbon markers
- The Ordinary of the Mass printed with red rubrics
- Most of the missal is in Latin and English
- Beautiful narrative of each feast day as well as spiritual and doctrinal notes
- Imprimatur 1945 - Reprint of the 1945 edition
- Black and white illustrations throughout the liturgical year,
- A section devoted to the Sacraments (in English with Latin along side).
Hardcover, size 6.8" x 4.2", 2030 pages
- Availability: 3 In Stock