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Miracles of Father Paul of Moll
Miracles of Father Paul of Moll
by Edward Van Speybrouck
Multitudes flocked to Father Paul of Moll, a Benedictine monk in Belgium in the 1800s, to benefit from his astounding gifts, including miraculous healings, reading of hearts, prophecy, and bilocation. The stories herein will greatly surprise the modern reader in revealing the reasons behind certain illnesses and afflictions, and some so-called “poltergeist” activity.
As miracles were often granted Fr. Paul through the intercession of the great Patriarch of the West, St. Benedict, with the use of Benedict’s Medal, also included in this book is a guide to that powerful Medal from Dom Prosper Guéranger’s Liturgical Year (also published as The Medal of St. Benedict), and the Life of St. Benedict, taken from the writings of St. Gregory the Great, with additions from the visions of Bl. Anne Catherine Emmerich.
First published in French in 1898 as Quelques traits de la vie du Très-Révérend Père Paul, de Moll, bénédictin, 1824-1896. Translated into English in 1910 as The Very Rev. Father Paul of Moll. Republished August 29, 2017. Some material has been reorganized. Footnotes have been updated. Devotions noted in the text have been added in an Appendix. A novena in honor of Fr. Paul has been added.
Hardcover, size 8.75" x 5.75", 352 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock