Mary Help of Christians

Mary Help of Christians
by Rev Bonaventure Hammer

This timeless classic, originally published by Benziger Brothers in 1909, is the sort of book every Catholic should have on the family bookshelf.

Contents include:

  • The importance, as well as the benefits, in seeking the intercession of the saints;
  • Novenas for the feasts of the Blessed Virgin, along with notes about their proper observance (including the importance of thanksgiving afterwards);
  • An introduction to the devotion to the Fourteen Holy Helpers, together with legends and novenas for each;
  • Prayers and litanies every Catholic should know, including the Stations of the Cross;
  • A collection of the wisdom of the Saints for every day of the year;
  • And finally, a thorough discussion of the major practices of the Catholic Church, with a focus on the strength of reason and tradition in each.

Taken together, this practical manual is sure to be a valuable addition to the bookshelf of every Catholic Family.

Paperback, size 5.5" x 8.5", 462 pages

  • Availability: 1 In Stock