for Little Catholics series

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The Lives of Jesus and Mary and the Story of Fatima for Little Catholics
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$34.00  Inc Tax
For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
$12.00  Inc Tax
A First Book for Little Catholics
First Bible Stories for Little Catholics
Explained for Young Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
In the words of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
$12.00  Inc Tax
The Creed, Confession and the Ten Commandments for Little Catholics
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$34.00  Inc Tax
A First Book on the Apostles' Creed for Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
$12.00  Inc Tax
The Ten Commandments for Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
A First Book for Little Catholics
A First Book For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
A First Book for Little Catholics
First Prayers For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
A first book for little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
A first book for little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
For Little Catholics
$20.00  Inc Tax
$12.00  Inc Tax
A First Book For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
Jesus and Mary
Jesus and Mary
The Lives of Jesus and Mary and the Story of Fatima

What better way for your little one to grow closer to Jesus than through the words of His Loving Mother? In Jesus and Mary, children experience the story of Jesus and Mary in a unique way—from Mary’s own point of view.

This durable hardcover can withstand much usage, and be brought anywhere—into Mass, in the car, outside, around the house, and wherever else your child will want to read this book. It is small enough to easily pack up and bring anywhere, while big enough for growing fingers to handle easily. Every one of its 96 pages features a lovely full-color illustration, sure to engage your little one’s attention.

Jesus and Mary combines four books into one to provide an essential, enriching foundation for budding young lovers of Jesus through Mary. This combined edition of the books originally issued in 1953 includes:
  • A First Life of Christ: the Virgin Mary touchingly tells the tale of the life of Christ. Through her eyes your little one will grow closer to Jesus and love Him as His mother does.
  • Three Miracles of Jesus: retells “the miracle at Cana,” “Jesus walks on the water,” and “The loaves and fishes” with colorfully compelling full-page illustrations and detailed, easy to understand text.
  • Hail Mary: This charming retelling of the story of Mary’s life shows why Catholics pray the Hail Mary.
  • Our Lady of Fatima: An example of how Mary acts even in modern times, expressing her desire for us to love and honor her Son through prayer, penance, and the Rosary.
Filled with the loving words of our Lady, this book will help your child grow spiritually closer to Jesus and become more like Him and His Mother, the two most perfect of our human race. 

Age range 2-10

Hardcover, size 7" x 5.75", 96 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.
The Lives of Jesus and Mary and the Story of Fatima for Little Catholics
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$34.00  Inc Tax
The Rosary
The Rosary
For little Catholics
by Francis McGrade

This book explains how to say the 15 mysteries of the rosary, explains each mystery as well as having beautiful illustrations.

Age range from 2-10.

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 20 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.
For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
First Holy Communion
First Holy Communion
by Rev. Demetrius Manousos. O.F.M.Cap

Teaches young children all about First Holy Communion, what to do before, during, after, what happens to the bread and the wine, and so much more. 

Age range: 2-10 years

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 28 pages, Impr, 1952

For other titles in this series please click here.
$12.00  Inc Tax
Saint Bernadette
Saint Bernadette
A First Book for Little Catholics
by Father Gales

Beautifully tells the story of St. Bernadette, how she was born in a little town in Lourdes. How she met Our Lady many times and how Our Lady told her that she wanted a church built. 

Age range from 2-8

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 20 pages, Impr 1957

For other titles in this series please click here.
A First Book for Little Catholics
God's Story Book
God's Story Book
First Bible Stories for Little Catholics 

Teaches children main events from the Bible such as the Beginning, the Great Flood, the Ten Commandments, and more. Complete with illustrations. 

Age range 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 28 pages, Impr, 1952

For other titles in this series please click here.
First Bible Stories for Little Catholics
First Picture Dictionary for Little Catholics
First Picture Dictionary for Little Catholics
by Patricia Ann Schmitt and Ruth Hannon

Teaches children many Catholic vocabulary with pictures. Also includes items in the Church, the Last Supper, the 12 Apostles, and much more.

Age range 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 32 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.
The Seven Sacraments
The Seven Sacraments
Explained for Young Catholics
by Fr Demetrius Manousos, O.F.M.Cap.

Explains the seven sacraments. Beautifully illustrated.

Age range from 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 28 pages, Impr

For other titles in this series please click here.
Explained for Young Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
A First Life of Christ
A First Life of Christ
In the words of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
by Father Gales

Mary speaks to children about the story of Jesus from the very beginning to the time of his resurrection into heaven. Each page is beautifully illustrated. 

Age range: 2-10 years

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 32 pages, Impr 1952

For other titles in this series please click here.
In the words of Mary, the Mother of Jesus.
$12.00  Inc Tax
I Believe 3in1

I Believe
The Creed, Confession and the Ten Commandments for Little Catholics
by Sr. M. Juliana of Maryknoll

Careful explanations of the Creed and the Ten Commandments and five easy steps to the Sacrament of Reconciliation ensure that your child will readily grasp the precepts of our faith, learn to examine his or her conscience, and experience the grace of having a soul wiped clean in Confession.

This combined edition of three books originally issued in 1953 includes:

-The Ten Commandments introduces the Ten Commandments through the stories of Original Sin and Moses on Sinai. It simplifies each commandment and its bright illustrations provide concrete examples of how children can obey each commandment.

-I Believe: A First Book on the Apostle’s Creed explains the Creed phrase by phrase, building upon the beginning “I believe in God…” as your child progresses through the book. This is a wonderful tool for memorizing the prayer at the center of our faith.

-My Confession describes the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and then gives five straightforward steps for your child to make a good confession. This book walks through the whole process, before, during, and after confession. It is a must-have for any child at his or her first Reconciliation.

This book can be used always to teach your little one about the Catholic Faith and to prepare your child every time he or she goes to Confession. I Believe: The Creed, Confession, and the Ten Commandments is undeniably an investment your child will get a lot out of for years to come. 

Age range 2-10

Hardcover, size 7" x 5.75", 96 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.

The Creed, Confession and the Ten Commandments for Little Catholics
Out of Stock
$34.00  Inc Tax
I believe
I believe
A First Book on the Apostles' Creed for Little Catholics
by Sister M. Juliana of Maryknoll

The young Catholic learns an important prayer, The Apostles' Creed, with the aid of pictures in color and simple words to inspire.

Age range 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 32 pages, Impr 1955

For other titles in this series please click here.
A First Book on the Apostles' Creed for Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
Hail Mary
Hail Mary
by Sister Mary St Paul of Maryknoll

This tells this story Blessed Mother being asked to be the Mother of Jesus by the angel Gabriel and how the story ties into the Hail Mary that we say during the Rosary. Filled with lovely pictures.

Age range from 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 20 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.
$12.00  Inc Tax
Listen to God
Listen to God
The Ten Commandments for Little Catholics
by Sister M. Juliana of Maryknoll

Beginning with God's creation of the Earth, this book teaches little children about the Great Flood and the Ten Commandments that followed with beautiful illustrations.

Age range from 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 30 pages, Impr, 1953

For other titles in this series please click here.
The Ten Commandments for Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
Saint Therese
Saint Therese
A First Book for Little Catholics
by Fr. Gales

A short picture book on the life of Saint Therese. Teaches children about how St. Therese was visited by the vision of the Child Jesus and became a Carmelite nun at a young age to live out her life entirely for God.

Age range 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 32 pages, Impr 1957

For other titles in this series please click here.
A First Book for Little Catholics
Our Father - Children's Book
Our Father - Children's Book
by Francis McGrade

Explains each line of the Our Father prayer in clear and easy to understand words. 

Age range from 2-6.

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 20 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.
A First Book For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
Story of the Mass
The Story of the Mass
by Gerald Ellard, S.J.

With just a few short stories, this illustrated book for children tells of God's love for His children and how the Mass came to be. This book offers a simple explanaiton on why and how good Catholics perform the Mass.

Age range from 2-8

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 24 pages, Impr 1943

For other titles in this series please click here.
Saint Joseph
Saint Joseph
A First Book for Little Catholics
by Fr. Gales

A short story of St. Joseph and how he came to be Jesus's foster father, and how he protected Jesus after His birth. 

Age range 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 20 pages, Impr 1956

For other titles in this series please click here.
A First Book for Little Catholics
Let's Pray
Let’s Pray 
First Prayers For Little Catholics
by Sister M. Juliana, O.P., of the Maryknoll Sisters

Explains the sign of the cross, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and prayers before and after meals. Filled with illustrations on every page.

Age range from 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 32 pages, Impr, 1951

For other titles in this series please click here.
First Prayers For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
Saint Paul
Saint Paul
A first book for little Catholics
by by Father Gales

The young Catholic learns about a very brave Saint who wrote letters, or epistles that we read in the holy Bible. 

Ages 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 20 pages, Impr, 1957

For other titles in this series please click here.
A first book for little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
Saint Peter
Saint Peter
A first book for little Catholics
by Father Gales

The young Catholic learns the story of Saint Peter. It tells what happened when Peter tried to walk on water. It explains how he denied our Lord three times and was very sorry for doing that. Peter was the first Pope of the Church. 

Ages 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 20 pages, Impr, 1956

For other titles in this series please click here.
A first book for little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
My Confession HC
My Confession
For Little Catholics
by Francis McGrade

An invaluable resource for helping little Catholics understand God's personal love for them. It explains in terms children can understand: what sin is and how we must avoid it. This book gives a great examination of conscience for children along with the Our Father, the Hail Mary, and the Act of Contrition.

Beautifully illustrated throughout, this reprint of the 1953 classic will undoubtedly be an excellent aid for families with young children, helping them not only to grow in virtue but also to love and understand the Sacrament of Confession.

Hardcover, size 7" x 5.75", 38 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.
For Little Catholics
$20.00  Inc Tax
My Confession PB
My Confession 
by Francis McGrade.

Tells children how we should always do what our parents want us to do and if we don’t we should apologize and try to make up for what we’ve done. Tells how confession is the Sacrament of Penance and it is good for our souls, what we should do at confession and what we should remember. Filled with lovely pictures.

Age range from 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 32 pages, Impr, 1953

For other titles in this series please click here.
$12.00  Inc Tax
My Book About God
My Book About God
A First Book For Little Catholics
by Father Gales

Tells us about the Love of God and all the things He has done for us. Pictures on every page.

Age range from 2-10

Paperback, size 6.3" x 5.2", 32 pages

For other titles in this series please click here.
A First Book For Little Catholics
$12.00  Inc Tax
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