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Pamphlets for the Faithful
by Fr William Doyle
“One of the vital concerns for Fr Willie Doyle in his life as a Christian and a priest was holiness, not only seeking it for himself, but encouraging it and supporting it in those he served”, writes Fr John Hogan in his Introduction.
Indeed, the invitation to perfection is held out to all, and Fr Willie in his pamphlets offers practical wisdom to both laity and religious in pursuing the life of holiness.
With a brief introduction to Fr Willie's life and writings written by Fr John Hogan, Diocesan Postulator for the Cause of the Servant of God, Fr Willie Doyle, Pamphlets for the Faithful presents all of Fr Willie's published works, originally written in the form of pamphlets. These pamphlets cover such topics as:
- the dignity and beauty of religious life.
- advice on how to discern whether one has a vocation.
- a short guide for priests on offering the Mass.
- the great fruits that retreats produce for the laity and how to preserve their beneficial effects.
- practical advice for laity and spiritual directors in combatting that most pestering vice: scrupulosity.
Even though some of the pamphlets have as their immediate audience those who are pursuing priesthood or the religious life, they are indeed “pamphlets for the faithful.” Regardless of one’s state in life, all five pamphlets, Fr Doyle’s only published works, continue to guide souls in every state of life down the way of perfection.
Paperback, 200 pages
- Availability: Out of Stock