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Kitchen Madonna Wall Plaque
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The Holy Bible Douay Rheims paperback
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The Holy Bible Douay Rheims
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My Burden is Light
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The Book of Prayer and Meditation
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Turned Around
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Expositio Missae
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The Mystery of the Green Star
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Cutting Board Peace Be With You
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Cutting Board Ocean Wave
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Glass Multipurpose Board - Christmas
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Glass Multipurpose Board - Benedicamus Domino
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Mug St Joseph
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Mug Blessed Mother
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The Life of Matt Talbot
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The Dominicans
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Missal Cover
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Preparation for Death
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Mug St Michael
Marian Grotto Kit - OL Snows
$12.00 Inc Tax
Marian Grotto Kit
Our Lady of the Snows
This striking kit will allow your child to create his or her own miniature grotto for the Blessed Mother from wooden sticks, beautiful illustrations and polished semi-precious gemstones.
This kit also includes a short synopsis of the apparition, a history of grottos, and a list of the semi-precious gemstones used in this kit (Lapis Lazuli, Snowflake Obsidian, Moss Agate and Yellow Jasper).
The finished grotto can stand freely on a tabletop or be hung on a wall, and is approximately 7" tall.
Other Designs Available: Our Lady of Guadalupe, Our Lady of Lourdes, Our Lady of the Fatima.
Recommended for ages 6 and up.
- Availability: Out of Stock