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Mug St Michael
Veni Emmanuel
Meditations for the Advent and Christmas Season
$20.00 Inc Tax
This little book, which brings us from the First Sunday of Advent right through to beyond the Feast of the Purification, is both rich in theology and eminently practical.
By means of short daily meditations, Father de Dreux helps us to prepare ourselves spiritually for the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ. In the days following the great Feast, he guides us through the events of Christ’s Childhood, bringing us up to His temptation in the desert.
This work was first written in French in the middle of the 17th Century, but was not actually published until 1887, having been lost during the turmoil of the French Revolution. It has been republished in French in recent years. This is the very first English edition.
- Availability: 1 In Stock