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Glass Multipurpose Board - Christmas
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Glass Multipurpose Board - Benedicamus Domino
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Mug St Michael
Catholic Prayers (pocket edition)
compiled from Traditional Sources by Thomas A. Nelson
An essential collection of the most popular prayers that have formed the core of Catholic tradition for centuries. Contains over 100 carefully selected prayers, ranging from prayers all Catholics should know by heart, to prayers invoking the saints, to morning and evening offerings.
This prayer book is divided into four sections:
• Beloved Prayers, including basic prayers such as the Our Father and Hail Mary, and classic prayers like the Acts of Faith, Hope, Charity, and more.
• Powerful Prayers for special needs, like the Novena to Our Lady of Good Remedy; Prayer to St. Jude, the Patron of Hopeless Cases; and prayers to Saints Joseph, Rita, Anthony, Philomena, and many others!
• Favorite Prayers that have been used by Catholics for centuries, such as Morning Offerings, litanies, the Prayer of St. Francis, the Offering of St. Ignatius, and other favorites.
• Special Prayers for specific petitions, such as the prayers to St. Gerard Majella for motherhood, St. Peregrine for the healing of cancer, St. Raphael for purity, the Fatima prayers, and dozens more!
Booklet, 128 pages
- Availability: 1 In Stock