A Story of Monsignor Ronald Knox
by Brother Edward Overstreet, C.S.C.
Ronald Knox was born in England in 1888, and he grew up in the Church of England. After much study and prayer, Ronald decided to join the Roman Catholic Church in 1917. Ronald was ordained a priest in 1919. Father Knox was a brilliant writer who published many works, but he saw a great need in the English-speaking Church: the need for a new translation of the Bible.
Level 3
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 145 pages
by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
The first part of Inner Life and Worlds of Soul & Spirit casts light on the nature of visionary experience, prayer, the rosary, the amen, and ways of healing.
Part two presents both well-known parables and fascinating new teachings, including an allegory of marriage and of stars at birth.
Part three is occupied with heaven and hell, work for “poor souls” in purgatory, the habitations of the heavenly Jerusalem, John’s Book of Revelations, the “Octangular Church,” and the Churches Triumphant and Militant.
Part four focuses on such places as the spring at Matarea, the pool of Bethesda, the holy sepulcher, the praetorium, and the way of the cross in Ephesus.
Part five considers Egyptian star wisdom, the star of the Magi, Jacob’s ladder, the writing of the New Testament, the chalice of the Last Supper, the “twelve new apostles,” dragons, and Satan. The final section presents themes related to Jesus, including his two genealogial trees, baptism, voice, shoulder wound, the cloth used to lower him from the cross, Veronica’s scarf, his mantle, and apparitions upon his death.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 256 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
Douay-Rheims Psalms and New Testament
Burgundy cover
Baronius Press
Ideal for those wanting to carry the New Testament and Psalms at all times for meditation and prayer. This handy volume will easily fit into a shirt pocket or handbag. Bound in leather cover with stitched edges, gold gilt edges and one ribbon.
It uses the same solid Douay-Rheims translation of the New Testament and Psalms as our Bible, and is well organized for prayerful meditation, excellent for evangelism and a great portable gift for graduates and friends alike.
Catholics looking for the traditional Catholic Bible in English should look no further!
In 1546, the Council of Trent declared the Latin Vulgate Bible as authentic, and declared that "No one (may) dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it" (4th Session, April 8, 1546). The Douay-Rheims Bible is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible, a version universally used in the Church for over 1500 years, itself meticulously translated from the original Hebrew and Greek by St. Jerome (A.D. 340-420).
The Douay-Rheims was completed in 1609, and is therefore older than the King James Version, the oldest Protestant translation still in use, which was published in 1611. The Rheims New Testament was published nearly thirty years earlier, in 1582. Further, the translators of the KJV make specific reference to the Douay version in their translators' preface. It is commonly acknowledged that, in preparing the KJV, the translators made use of the Rheims New Testament and adopted many of its readings in preference to those of other English editions.
Since it was translated quite literally and with great reverence for each individual word from the Vulgate, which in turn reflects the structure of the original languages very clearly, the Douay-Rheims Bible can give great insight into the minds of the sacred authors.
In 1749-1752, Bishop Challoner, knowing that many English Catholics were reading distorted Protestant versions of the Bible such as the King James Version (KJV), made major revisions to the Douay-Rheims version, to improve its readability without diminishing its accuracy. The notes, written by Bishop Challoner are entirely faithful to the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. The revised Douay-Rheims Bible has been approved by the Church many times over, including the approbation of Cardinal Gibbons for the 1899 edition that Baronius Press is publishing.
For over 300 years, the Douay Rheims Bible was the only Catholic English translation of Scripture used. It continues to be used officially in Catholic churches today.
Flexible Leather cover, size 6.8" x 4.4", 375 pages
by A Catholic Teacher
Preface by Rev. Augustine F. Hickey, S.T.L.
Featuring 67 black and white line drawings.
From the Preface:
"The problem of leading young minds to a realization and appreciation of the revealed word is solved most satisfactorily in the adoption of the story method. Every child instinctively loves a story. In gratifying this natural desire no narratives are more vivid, more appealing, and more valuable than those which graphically recount God’s merciful dealings with mankind. To bring the child to an active and enthusiastic knowledge of the sublime facts in Bible History is to give him a glorious background upon which he will be eager to sketch out his own eternal destiny. The impressive array of divine truths inculcates many compelling moral lessons. Each brief event makes its own contribution of love and inspiration, strengthening the sense of religious responsibility in the child. The delightful simplicity of the presentation of the eternal inheritances of man cannot but make a direct appeal to Catholic educators! Nothing which is helpful has been overlooked or forgotten. The illustrations, 67 total, that crown each story is an attractive centre wherein the child will see in clear vision all that the story tells."
Paperback, size 7.75" x 5.1", 180 pages, Impr 1918
Containing the Vocabulary of the Psalms, Hymns, Canticles, & Miscellaneous Prayers of the Breviary Psalter
by Fr Matthew Britt, O.S.B.
Covering such preliminary topics as “English Catholic Version of the Psalter”, “Latin Versions of the Psalter”, “The Latinity of the Vulgate Psalter”, and “How the Psalms are Numbered”, true to form, the Dictionary goes on to define and decline each Latin word used in the Vulgate Psalter (as used in the traditional Roman Breviary), its English parallel, derivative, and cites where the word was used and its context. Reprint of 1928 edition
Preface by Rt Rev John B. Petersen.
Hardback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 300 pages
by C.C. Martindale
One of the world's greatest unsolved mysteries is the Book of Revelation. The faithful have tried to decode the meaning of the Apocalypse for centuries. Finally, here is the accessible book you need to assist you in reflecting upon the epic battle it contains and its reverberations. The prophecies of St. John the Evangelist brought dire warnings not just to the pagan culture and lukewarm faithful of his time, but also exhort our blasphemous society and apathetic believers today.
Learn about events that were foretold and have taken place, as well as prophecies that await fulfillment. Be amazed at how the mystical experiences of St. John lead us to a deeper understanding of and appreciation for the holy sacrifice of the Mass, worship, and adoration of the Real Presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Amidst rebukes for immorality, the Apocalypse also contains an invitation: remain faithful and your name will be written in the Book of Life, you will partake in the wedding feast of the Lamb.
In St. John and the Apocalypse, C.C. Martindale, S.J. elucidates historical and theological interpretations of the Apocalypse, from Roman times to present. He synthesizes and outlines the structure of Revelation, while reflecting upon its essence as the inspired word of God, its literary value, and influences.
Unpack the significance of the number seven throughout the Apocalypse and the import of the seven seals, cities, mysteries, angels, lampstands, plagues, and trumpets. Understand the meaning of 666, the reign of "a thousand years," and the battle between the Woman and the Dragon more deeply.
You will recognize how St. John's prophecies in the Apocalypse transcend Old Testament prophecies. Fr. Martindale will guide you in cross-referencing parallel passages and pondering the magnitude of their meaning.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 160 pages
Ideal for those wanting to carry the New Testament and Psalms at all times for meditation and prayer. This handy volume will easily fit into a shirt pocket or handbag. Bound in leather cover with stitched edges, gold gilt edges and one ribbon.
It uses the same solid Douay-Rheims translation of the New Testament and Psalms as our Bible, and is well organized for prayerful meditation, excellent for evangelism and a great portable gift for graduates and friends alike.
Catholics looking for the traditional Catholic Bible in English should look no further!
In 1546, the Council of Trent declared the Latin Vulgate Bible as authentic, and declared that "No one (may) dare or presume under any pretext whatsoever to reject it" (4th Session, April 8, 1546). The Douay-Rheims Bible is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible, a version universally used in the Church for over 1500 years, itself meticulously translated from the original Hebrew and Greek by St. Jerome (A.D. 340-420).
The Douay-Rheims was completed in 1609, and is therefore older than the King James Version, the oldest Protestant translation still in use, which was published in 1611. The Rheims New Testament was published nearly thirty years earlier, in 1582. Further, the translators of the KJV make specific reference to the Douay version in their translators' preface. It is commonly acknowledged that, in preparing the KJV, the translators made use of the Rheims New Testament and adopted many of its readings in preference to those of other English editions.
Since it was translated quite literally and with great reverence for each individual word from the Vulgate, which in turn reflects the structure of the original languages very clearly, the Douay-Rheims Bible can give great insight into the minds of the sacred authors.
In 1749-1752, Bishop Challoner, knowing that many English Catholics were reading distorted Protestant versions of the Bible such as the King James Version (KJV), made major revisions to the Douay-Rheims version, to improve its readability without diminishing its accuracy. The notes, written by Bishop Challoner are entirely faithful to the teachings of the Holy Catholic Church. The revised Douay-Rheims Bible has been approved by the Church many times over, including the approbation of Cardinal Gibbons for the 1899 edition that Baronius Press is publishing.
For over 300 years, the Douay Rheims Bible was the only Catholic English translation of Scripture used. It continues to be used officially in Catholic churches today.
A Sourcebook of Catholic Prophecies About "The Man of Sin"
by Fr. R. Gerald Culleton
Old Testament and New Testament prophecies about Antichrist plus many, many prophecies from saints and holy people. This is the best source we know of predictions about the "Man of Sin."
A really accurate picture emerges from these pages. Used it as the source material for a number of dramatic videos on the subject. This book contains greater detail on the Antichrist than any other we know.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 240 pages
The Twelve
Introduction to the Twelve Apostles from Holy Scripture
by E. Mary Christie
Journey through the gospels with author E. Mary Christie as she creates a narrative for each apostle explaining the places in which they lived and the people and events that made up their lives before, during, and after Christ called them to be His chosen disciples.
We owe so much to the twelve apostles and their lives of heroic sanctity. Not only did these twelve men shape the Mass, and the Liturgy that surrounds it, but they gave us the Sacred Traditions of the Church which we still follow and keep as an essential part of our lives today.
This delightful little book is an easy read and is perfect for anyone who wishes to learn more about the men Christ chose to lead His Church and spread His Gospels.
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 146 pages
by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book III covers the primary non-apostolic disciples of Jesus, among them: Barnabas, Joseph Barsabbas, Cleophas (of Emmaus), Luke (including his life as painter and healer), Mark, Martialis (the youth of Nain), three Nathaniels (including the bridegroom of Cana), Saturnin (an important early disciple of both John the Baptist and Jesus unknown to history), Simeon, Stephen, and others. The second part documents an extraordinary conversation between Jesus and Eliud the Essene shortly before the baptism in the Jordan, then gives accounts of many lesser-known disciples organized in four categories: civic leaders; pagan officials (including the historically unknown centurion Abenadar, one of the most fascinating figures in the visions); merchants; and other officials. The final selection covers King Abgar and the famous letter that passed between him and Jesus, still a matter of scholarly dispute.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 256 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
by Bl Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book V is specifically devoted to the many women disciples and supporters of Jesus, many also unknown to history. An initial overview sets the stage regarding the primary holy women, who are presented in detail in the second part. Among these are: Mary Heli (elder sister of the Virgin Mary), Mary Cleophas (mother, or stepmother, of five of the apostles), Mary Salome (mother of John and James the Greater), Martha and her sister Mary Magdalene, Maroni (the widow of Nain), Veronica, Susanna and Salome, Mary Mark, Dinah (the Samaritan woman), and Mara the Suphanite. There follows a study of the holy women present at Christ’s death and resurrection. The third, fourth, and fifth parts present other major and minor women disciples of Jesus, as well as his female relations. Perhaps most fascinating of all is Silent Mary, a historically unknown sister of Lazarus, Martha, and Magdalene, with whom Jesus communes immediately before his baptism.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 274 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is third volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 3 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 616 pages
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is first volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 1 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 528 pages
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is fourth volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 4 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x5.5", 496 pages
From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich
This is second volume in a set that records the visions of the famous 19th-century Catholic mystic, Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich, a nun who was privileged by God to behold innumerable events of biblical times, going back all the way to the creation of the world. She witnessed the fall of the Angels; the sin of Adam; Noah and the Flood; and the lives of St. John the Baptist, St. Anne, St. Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Mary Magdalen. In these accounts, what shines through most is the indelible, infinite love of God for all mankind.
Anne Catherine's visions also included the birth, life, public ministry, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the founding of His Church. Besides describing persons, places, events, and traditions in intimate detail, Anne Catherine Emmerich also sets forth the mystical significance of these visible realities. Here is the infinite love of God incarnate and made manifest for all to see, made all the more striking and vivid by the accounts Blessed Anne has relayed.
The Life of Jesus Christ and Biblical Revelations: From the Visions of Blessed Anne Catherine Emmerich is beyond doubt one of the most extraordinary books ever published, simply because it is the story of the Bible and the Gospels, but elucidated in the most vivid manner since the Four Evangelists themselves. May it bring much fruit to your meditation.
This is Volume 2 of the 4-volume set, Impr. 2,623 pages
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 504 pages
by Archbishop Alban Goodier
The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by bishop Goodier, takes the subject of Christ’s life from the coming of John the Baptist until his last day before Palm Sunday and the beginning of His passion.
In this work Goodier sets out not merely to write another life of Christ or follow the mold of a devotional work or a scientific analysis but to transcend both to apply logic and reason combined with Catholic faith to understand who Jesus was, and what was the impact of his public life, what was it like for those there, what did his disciples and enemies think?
Goodier’s text is descriptive, lucid, and original, not being loaded up with quotes from other authors. Moreover, it is entirely faithful to the text of the Gospels and harmonizes the four narratives into one account spanning the three years of Christ’s public life before His passion.
The second volume continues where the first left off in Our Lord’s life and continues the same original commentary and discussion all the way to passion week. The wonderful thing of Bishop Goodier’s narrative is that it does not make use of secondary sources or copious quotes, rather he simply quotes the Scriptures and organizes the teaching of the Gospels into the sequential occurrence of events. If you want to know more about our Lord and understand the places he is going to, what he is doing and why, this is the perfect work. The new edition includes wonderful depictions of events from Renaissance art.
2 volumes Paperback, size 9.5" x 6.25', 540 pages Vol 1, 612 pages Vol 2
by Archbishop Alban Goodier
The Public Life of Our Lord Jesus Christ, by bishop Goodier, takes the subject of Christ’s life from the coming of John the Baptist until his last day before Palm Sunday and the beginning of His passion.
In this work Goodier sets out not merely to write another life of Christ or follow the mold of a devotional work or a scientific analysis but to transcend both to apply logic and reason combined with Catholic faith to understand who Jesus was, and what was the impact of his public life, what was it like for those there, what did his disciples and enemies think?
Goodier’s text is descriptive, lucid, and original, not being loaded up with quotes from other authors. Moreover, it is entirely faithful to the text of the Gospels and harmonizes the four narratives into one account spanning the three years of Christ’s public life before His passion.
The second volume continues where the first left off in Our Lord’s life and continues the same original commentary and discussion all the way to passion week. The wonderful thing of Bishop Goodier’s narrative is that it does not make use of secondary sources or copious quotes, rather he simply quotes the Scriptures and organizes the teaching of the Gospels into the sequential occurrence of events. If you want to know more about our Lord and understand the places he is going to, what he is doing and why, this is the perfect work. The new edition includes wonderful depictions of events from Renaissance art.
2 volumes Hardcover, size 9.5" x 6.25', 540 pages Vol 1, 612 pages Vol 2
In charming words and classic images beloved by children for over a century, here are the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah's Ark, David and Goliath, and the Birth of Jesus. Kids will meet the Three Wise Men, and hear Jesus tell of the Good Samaritan, the Rich Man and Lazarus, the Prodigal Son, and the Good Shepherd who goes in search of his lost sheep.
They'll see Jesus walk on water, wash His apostles' feet, carry His Cross, and rise from the dead.
These and other Bible stories here will fill young children with a sense of wonder and a deep, abiding confidence that God truly loves them.
Ages: 6 and up
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 140 pages
by Rev. Charles B. Garside, M.A.
Preface by Rev. Edward F. Garesché, S.J.
Garnering his material from the last two of the four Books of Kings, Father Charles Garside, M.A., paints a portrait of a thundering visionary, who lights up the Old Testament perhaps more brilliantly than any other Biblical figure. A man of prayer and solitude, celibate and chaste, he moved courageously with every heavenly summons, never failing, never daunted. So much a contemplative and a teacher of eternal truth that, even though his inital mark on history falls in the Old Dispensation, he is nevertheless justly claimed as "the founder" of the Carmelite order. Taken by God, who came to seize him in a whirlwind, he was assumed into the heavens by way of a fiery chariot, and placed in the Garden of Eden from whence he shall come in the last days to do battle with the Antichrist.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 218 pages
The Book of Psalms Arranged for Each Day of the Week
by Father Joseph Frey
The Church gives us many prayers. But after the prayers of the Mass, none are more hallowed than the Psalms where God Himself teaches us to pray in words inspired by the Holy Spirit.
My Daily Psalm Book features a beautiful, solemn, but readable text, adorned with nearly 200 stirring illustrations by artist Ariel Agemian. In My Daily Psalm Book, these powerful prayers are presented in compact size, perfect for pocket or purse. Take out and read in spare moments or brief periods of reflection throughout the day.
My Daily Psalm Book is a simple Divine Office for lay people to pray the Psalms assigned to each day of the week. Or follow your own schedule, returning to favorite Psalms or using the helpful guide to find those Psalms specially suited to personal occasions and needs, including:
- Dealing with depression and discouragement
- Managing excessive pride as well as timidity
- Preparation for Confession and Adoration
- Times of need, sickness, and trouble
In addition, My Daily Psalm Book includes a numerical index of Psalms (p. 365), a guide on how to pray the Psalms and a section to record your favorite Psalms and page numbers for easy-access at any time. The psalms are the vital presentation of God's inspirations and man's aspirations; they are the ideal manifestations of man's hunger and thirst after God and of God's loving response to man. Of great age, they are ever new and appropriate.
My Daily Psalm Book opens up these treasures, making them accessible to laypeople so that they may join in the prayer of Church and turn to the Psalms in time of need.
Leatherette, size 5.25" x 3.5", 368 pages
edited by Daniel M. Clough, M.A.
This book is compiled according to the magnificent pattern established by Thomas Aquinas in the Catena Aurea. It is a well researched and thoughtfully composed listing of the Commentary of the saints and Fathers and Doctors of the Church who have written of the first three chapters of Genesis. Unlike aLapide, there is no commentary or analysis of the scripture from the compiler himself but it is a remarkably well done listing of what has been written by the greatest of commentators themselves and although there are some differences of opinion among the saint's writings here, yet, the whole of their accumulated commentary presents a remarkably unified picture of the 'mind of the Church' from the earliest times through the centuries on the first (and arguably most important) three chapters of God's Words to men.
Man is a contingent and limited being with a fallen nature, yet, because he is made in the image and likeness of God, his aspirations to knowledge are limitless since, once created, the duration of his being is endless. Man’s nature is seeking perfection in both knowledge and in being that can only be found in union with that which is not contingent or limited in any fashion—God.
Religion is the knowledge that man seeks, but which he cannot discover on his own. True religion rests upon one thing, God’s authority, and is revealed to men by three methods, Creation, Tradition and Scripture.
Daniel Clough compiles in this volume the teachings of the Fathers and Doctors of the Church of God on all three things:
Tradition, Scripture, and Creation. Here are the deepest thoughts of the greatest saints and scholars on the origins and ends (the Alpha and the Omega) of the world.
In the beginning God created heaven and earth.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
In these two statements from God lie the origins, the genesis, of all knowledge that the heart of man desires. This series of commentaries on the first three chapters of the book of Genesis is the place to begin our profound inquiry into that knowledge that will be completed, God
willing, in the beatific vision.
Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 264 pages
Cornelius a Lapide created a Scripture Commentary so complete and scholarly that it was practically the universal commentary in use by Catholics (often available only in 30 some Latin volumes) for hundreds of years.
These Commentaries have never been fully translated before. Extensive discussion of Greek & Hebrew word meanings included.
Leather hardcover with satin ribbon, size 9.25" x 6.25", 820 pages
Cornelius a'Lapide's Commentary on St. Matthew Vol One
Cornelius a Lapide created a Scripture Commentary so complete and scholarly that it was practically the universal commentary in use by Catholics (often available only in 30 some Latin volumes) for hundreds of years.
These Commentaries have never been fully translated before. Extensive discussion of Greek & Hebrew word meanings included.
Leather hardcover with satin ribbon, size 9.25" x 6.25", 604 pages
Cornelius a'Lapide's Commentary on St. Matthew Vol Two
Cornelius a Lapide created a Scripture Commentary so complete and scholarly that it was practically the universal commentary in use by Catholics (often available only in 30 some Latin volumes) for hundreds of years.
These Commentaries have never been fully translated before. Extensive discussion of Greek & Hebrew word meanings included.
Leather hardcover with satin ribbon, size 9.25" x 6.25", 767 pages
Cornelius a Lapide created a Scripture Commentary so complete and scholarly that it was practically the universal commentary in use by Catholics (often available only in 30 some Latin volumes) for hundreds of years.
These Commentaries have never been fully translated before. Extensive discussion of Greek & Hebrew word meanings included.
Leather hardcover with satin ribbon, size 9.25" x 6.25", 741 pages
Loreto Publications
The Douay-Rheims Bible is an English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible, a version universally used in the Church for over 1500 years, itself meticulously translated from the original Hebrew and Greek by St. Jerome (A.D. 340-420). The revised Douay-Rheims of Bishop Challoner Bible has been approved by the Church many times over. Since it was translated quite literally and with great reverence for each individual word from the Vulgate, which in turn reflects the structure of the original languages very clearly, the Douay-Rheims Bible can give great insight into the minds of the sacred authors.
Hardcover, size 9.2" x 6.2", 1,392 pages, 2 ribbons
A Story of Daniel The Prophet
by Brother Edward Overstreet, C.S.C.
Daniel was born more than 600 years before the birth of Jesus. When he was a teenager, the Jewish nation was conquered by King Nebuchadnezzar, and Daniel was taken to Babylon as a hostage. Because of his wisdom, he was selected to become an advisor to the King of Babylon. Daniel put God first in his life, and was obedient and faithful to God’s laws—even when doing so put his own life in danger. When the king had Daniel thrown into a lions’ den, God saved Daniel. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Daniel the prophet, who trusted in God and showed great courage when he placed the laws of God above the demands of an earthly ruler.
Level 3
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 145 pages
by Brother Anthony Blasi, C.S.C.
Jeremiah lived about 600 years before the birth of Jesus. He lived at a time when God was punishing the Jewish nation and allowing them to be conquered by foreign armies. God inspired the prophet Jeremiah and gave him words to speak to the Jewish leaders. Jeremiah knew that the message he had to give would be unpopular. He could face punishment and even death if he dared to speak it. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Jeremiah the prophet, who had the courage and conviction to speak out against the evils of his day and to tell the truth about God’s plan for his people.
Level 3
Paperback, size 9" x 6", 135 pages
by Father James Sullivan
With My Meditations on Saint Paul, follow in the missionary footsteps of Saint Paul from Damascus to Rome. Father James Sullivan begins each daily devotional with a scene from Acts of the Apostles or the Epistles of Saint Paul. Filled with rich historical and personal details describing the thoughts and feelings that a disciple must have experienced, Sullivan places you in the midst of the early Christians who heard the words of Saint Paul.
This pocket-sized devotional gives you everything you need to walk with and learn at the feet of the Saint Paul, including:
- Intimate, personal reflections on the words and acts of Saint Paul
- Heartfelt prayers, echoing the same prayers and petitions of the great convert and evangelizer
- Detailed maps chronicling Saint Paul's extensive missionary journeys (p. 557-560)
- A timeline of St. Paul's life both before and after his dramatic conversion (p. 563-564)
- And much more...
Now, you can travel with Saint Paul on his missionary tours, learn at his feet, and discover how to bring the teachings of Christ to your world.
Leatherette, pocket size, 567 pages
By Anne Catherine Emmerich
In parts one and two of Spiritual Works and Journeys, the visionary speaks of “action in vision” in the “nuptial house” and “vineyard,” whereby she labors for souls.
Parts three and four continue this theme in a wider framework, such as the “two churches,” “planetary influences,” St. Michael and spiritual warfare, and the Church Militant.
Part five recounts fascinating spiritual journeys on behalf of the well-being of the souls of others.
Paperback, 244 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
By Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book IV covers the early friends and minor disciples of Jesus (many unknown to history), among them: Ananias, Jonadab, Parmenas, Joel, Jonah, Jonathan, Manasseh, Simon of Cyrene, Simon Zabulon, and Zadoch. There follow summaries of the temporal sequence of the calling of the disciples, and of their geographical and familial origins. The third part covers Jesus’s historically unknown journey to Cyprus. The fourth details the likewise unknown journey of Jesus to the East some months before his crucifixion to visit the two of the Three Kings still living. The final part offers a summary of the opponents of Jesus, including much on the little-known sect of the Herodians.
Paperback, 254 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
By Anne Catherine Emmerich
Book II presents nine apostles: Philip, Bartholomew, James the Less, Thomas, Judas Iscariot, Matthew, Judas Thaddeus, Simon, and Matthias, followed by Paul and several disciples connected with him. Descriptions of apostolic journeys following the Passion are given here also, especially in the case of Thomas’s journeys to the East. The second part, entitled Lazarus and His Friends (The Secret Disciples), covers Lazarus (including his later life in France), the close friends Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea, Simeon of the Temple and his sons, Simon of Bethany, John Mark, and Amandor (son of Veroncia), among others.
Paperback, 258 pages
Also available in hardcover on request (additional cost)
Wonder Stories of God's People
by Rev. P. Henry Matimore
This second volume in the Madonna Series, intended for the fourth grade, follows on from the Bible stories found in its predecessor, A Child’s Garden of Religion Stories. Where that volume focused on the early portions of the Old Testament, including the stories of Creation, of Abraham and of the Exodus, this one begins with Jacob and his son Joseph, then jumps ahead to the stories of Samson and David, Job, Daniel and Esther. Likewise, where the first volume presented the birth and early life of Christ, here we find the stories of His Miracles as well as His Passion and Death. Finally we end with several stories of the Saints, from St. Ignatius of Antioch to St. Bernadette and Our Lady of Lourdes.
This book has been printed in full colour with a hardcover binding because of its beautiful illustrations!
Hardcover, size 5.83" x 8.27", 368 pages
by Mother Mary Loyola
In 1906, Mother Mary Loyola was asked to write the story of Our Lord for American missionaries. Her writing style had so endeared her to children the world over that, despite the many excellent versions of this Greatest Story Ever Told, its publishers were confident that it would bring its readers closer to Our Lord.
Though it was originally intended for children, like most of Mother Loyola's work, it has a very broad appeal across all ages. For this reason, the same book was subsequently published under the current title--The Story of His Life Simply Told--as a way to encourage adults that this story is not for children alone.
Thus, while the content of this book is exactly the same as Jesus of Nazareth: The Story of His Life Written for Children, even down to the illustrations, we have followed the lead of these earlier publishers and created this edition for adult sensibilities.
Paperback, size 5.5" x 8.5", 460 pages
A Spiritual Bouquet for each day of the year. 366 inspiring New Testament quotes. Not by bread alone does man live, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God. (Mt. 4:4)
64pp. vinyl cover. pocket size.
This first volume in the Madonna Series of study readers was intended for the third grade. Here we find stories from the early portions of the Old and New Testaments, beginning with Genesis and Exodus, and continuing through the Birth of Jesus to his early days of preaching. The volume closes with a selection of stories about the saints. In the second volume in the Madonna Series, Wonder Stories of God’s People, the stories of the Old and New Testament are carried on with Jacob, Joseph, Samson and David, and the Miracles, Passion and Death of Our Lord, finishing once again with select stories of the saints. Then in the last of the three volumes, Heroes of God’s Church, are found exclusively stories of the saints.
5.83" x 8.27" paperback 294 pages
Vol. One includes the books from Genesis to Esther - 1080 pages
Vol. Two includes the books from Job to Machabees II -1040 pages
In keeping with the wishes of the Holy Father, Benedict XVI, Loreto Publications has published this truly unique edition of the Bible in Latin and English. Suitable either for students of theology and the Scriptures, for those studying Latin, or just for Catholics who wish to conduct themselves according to the mind of the Church, this edition brings together two classic versions of the Bible which have served Catholics well, down through the centuries.
- One Volume New Testament
- Two Volumes Old Testament
- Clear Typeface
- Burgundy bonded leather cover
- English column opposite Latin column
The complete and unabridged commentary of Cornelius a Lapidé on the Catholic Epistles of Saints John and Jude
Cornelius a Lapide created a Scripture Commentary so complete and scholarly that it was practically the universal commentary in use by Catholics (often available only in around 30 Latin volumes) for hundreds of years.
This set boasts the following features:
- Leather Covers & Satin Ribbons
- Never Fully Translated Before
- Sewn Binding & Headbands
- Extensive discussion of Greek & Hebrew word meanings