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Kitchen Madonna Wall Plaque
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The Holy Bible Douay Rheims paperback
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The Holy Bible Douay Rheims
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The Book of Prayer and Meditation
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Turned Around
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Expositio Missae
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The Mystery of the Green Star
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Cutting Board Peace Be With You
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Cutting Board Ocean Wave
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Glass Multipurpose Board - Christmas
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Glass Multipurpose Board - Benedicamus Domino
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Mug St Joseph
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The Life of Matt Talbot
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Missal Cover
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Preparation for Death
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Mug St Michael
St. Catherine Laboure and the Miraculous Medal
$26.00 Inc Tax
'For more than a hundred and fifty years the Miraculous Medal has been known and worn by Catholics throughout the world. It has been used and promoted by great saints and Popes as a most powerful sacramental. Less well known is the story of the French Sister to whom the Blessed Virgin manifested the Medal in 1830. This Vision Book for 9 - 16 year olds tells the story of Catherine LabourE, a Burgundy farm girl who, after a prophetic dream of St. Vincent de Paul, became a Sister of Charity in Paris and later in Enghien, where she cooked and mended and cared for the inmates of a home for elderly men. To this obscure Sister the Blessed Virgin appeared, made prophecies, and commissioned the making of the Medal which soon came to be known as "miraculous" because of the favors wrought. St. Catherine LabourE lived a life of prayer and service to the poor, and was canonized in 1947. Illustrated 140pp'
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