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$50.00  Inc Tax
A Textbook of the Old and New Testaments for Catholic Schools
Her Founding, Mission and Progress
$60.00  Inc Tax
A Complete History of the Catholic Church to the Present Day : for High School, College, and Adult Reading
$66.00  Inc Tax
100 Memorable Events in Catholic History Told in Picture and Story
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The Divine Surprises and Chastisements that Shaped the Church and Changed the World
$32.00  Inc Tax
A history of Christendom vol. 4
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$60.00  Inc Tax
$30.00  Inc Tax
A history of Christendom vol. 1
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$60.00  Inc Tax
A History of Christendom vol. 5
$60.00  Inc Tax
A history of Christendom vol. 3
$60.00  Inc Tax
A history of Christendom vol. 2
$60.00  Inc Tax
$30.00  Inc Tax
$30.00  Inc Tax
A History of Christendom vol. 6
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Bible History
Bible History
by Fr. Ignatius Schuster, D.D.

Fr. Ignatius Schuster brings the Bible to life in this powerful textbook for students in junior high. Used in Catholic schools for years, Bible History: Of the Old and New Testaments covers thoroughly and enjoyably the most famous events narrated in the Old and New Covenants. Students will have a wonderful time learning about salvation history—while growing in holiness and understanding of the Sacred Scriptures as well.

Nothing is more important to education than catechesis, and within it, there is arguably nothing more important than Scriptural competency. Give your students the best with Fr. Schuster's Bible History, a trusted mainstay for decades.

This text is suitable for use in Catholic grade schools and homeschool from sixth through eighth grades.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.5", 404 pages, 80 beautiful drawings of biblical events
$50.00  Inc Tax
Visualized Church History
Visualized Church History
by Sr Mary Loyola Vath

From the 1930s through the 1950s, Oxford Book Company produced a series of educational books called the “Oxford Visualized Texts”, encompassing topics from History and Government to Chemistry and Biology.  How fortunate we are that they decided to include this Visualized Church History among their series!  Collaborating with a group of talented Catholic art students, Sister Mary Loyola Vath managed to create in this volume a memorable Church History text for the upper grades.  With charts, diagrams and cartoons to illuminate the text, she manages to present several complicated topics with unusual clarity.

First published in 1942, our reprinted edition of this classic includes the 1959 and 1962 updates that bring the reader up to the events just preceding the Ecumenical Council of Pope John XXIII.

Paperback, size 8.3" x 5.8", 374 pages
Bible History
Bible History
A Textbook of the Old and New Testaments for Catholic Schools
by Fr. George JohnsonFr. Jerome Hannan, and Sr. M. Dominica, O.S.U.

This book is one of the finest Bible texts for grade school students. Covering both the Old and New Testaments, this history treats each book of the Bible with clarity and precision in a way suitable for students in junior high. The textbook comes complete with:
  • 23 maps
  • 165 enthralling pictures
  • Side notes on each page
  • Index
  • Pronouncing Vocabulary
  • Wording suitable for sixth to eighth grades

Written to a high standard, this text is geared for students in Catholic schools or homeschool.  Give your students the best introduction to the Sacred Scriptures they can get with Bible History.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 590 pages

A Textbook of the Old and New Testaments for Catholic Schools
The Story of the Church
The Story of the Church
Her Founding, Mission and Progress
by Fr. George Johnson, Fr. Jerome Hannan, and Sr. M. Dominica, O.S.U.

To know and to understand the Church is a sacred duty for every Catholic. The Church is not just an organization to which we belong; it is an organization of which we are a part. Loyalty to the Church is not merely one among many loyalties. It is the one great loyalty of our lives in which all other loyalties are rooted and from which all derive their life and strength. For the Church is Christ and in the Church we are united with Him and with one another as members of one Body. Hence, a burning love for the Church must always be an outstanding characteristic of a good Catholic.

The Story of the Church has been written for boys and girls with the hope that, as they learn from the story that it tells, their love of Christ in His Church will increase and that a lifelong interest in Church History will be enkindled. As much as possible we have tried to weave our story around the great men and women who in every age have labored heroically for the spread of the Kingdom of Christ and who have won for themselves the most glorious title that can be given to a human being, the title of Saint. Christ lived in them and through them revealed to the world the power and the beauty of His Gospel. (From the Author's Preface.)

Originally published in 1935 and reprinted many times. A famous textbook in Church history woven around the lives of the famous; influential saints who labored heroically in every age to spread the Kingdom of Christ. 7th through 12th grade level. Copiously illustrated. A wonderful introduction to Church history for anyone - simple yet covers a lot! Includes list of popes and chronological table of Church events. Impr.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.75", 521 pages
Her Founding, Mission and Progress
$60.00  Inc Tax
Church History
Church History
A Complete History of the Catholic Church to the Present Day
for High School, College, and Adult Reading
by Fr John Laux, M.A.

From the beginning to 1940. Written for both students and adults. The author intersperses the history with many brief, interesting biographies of famous people, and at the end of each chapter he quotes briefly from a famous writing of the era, blending a medley of elements into a comprehensive historical composition that is at once brilliant and fascinating. A story of the Church unparalleled in its scope, depth, variety and impact, and a book all Catholics should read.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 686 pages
A Complete History of the Catholic Church to the Present Day : for High School, College, and Adult Reading
$66.00  Inc Tax
Great Moments in Catholic History
Great Moments in Catholic History
100 Memorable Events in Catholic History Told in Picture and Story
by Rev Edward Lodge Curran, Ph.D.

Father Curran describes one-hundred events in Catholic history from the Annunciation to the 1930s. Each event includes a beautiful drawing and a brief one-page description. Events include stories from the life of Christ, works of the saints, important discoveries and contributions to culture, persecutions, as well as critical conflicts. The text includes 500 review questions for use by students.

Recommended for families or for 5th or 6th grade students.

Paperback, size 10" x 8", 132 pages
100 Memorable Events in Catholic History Told in Picture and Story
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Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know
Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know
The Divine Surprises and Chastisements that Shaped the Church and Changed the World
by Diane Moczar

Here are the saints and sinners, popes and kings that God used to shape his Church and change the world. You'll meet Clovis and Charlemagne, Luther and Pope Leo, Suleiman and St. Francis, the Arians, the Franks, the Huguenots, and others whose sins or sacrifices altered the course of history.

Here, too, are the wars and plagues, the ideas and institutions -- and, yes, the miracles that gave birth to our Christian civilization and often threatened to doom it. Experience the battles of Tours and Lepanto, the Crusades, the Russian Revolution, and Fatima, the miracle that foretold (and offered a way to prevent) the conflicts that killed millions in the twentieth century.

Wars and terrorism have rendered the first years of our new century no less bloody. Has God now abandoned us?

Ten Dates Every Catholic Should Know finds the answer in history: from the first days of the Christian era, at key moments when civilization hung in the balance, God has intervened sometimes subtly, sometimes dramatically but ever and always he has come forward himself or given strength to those who were faithful to him.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 177 pages
The Divine Surprises and Chastisements that Shaped the Church and Changed the World
$32.00  Inc Tax
The Cleaving of Christendom
The Cleaving of Christendom
A history of Christendom vol. 4
by Warren H. Carroll

This series is the only comprehensive narration of Western history written from the orthodox Catholic perspective still in print. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with these first principles: Truth exists; the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 801 pages
A history of Christendom vol. 4
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$60.00  Inc Tax
What Were the Crusades?
What Were the Crusades?
by Johnathan Riley-Smith

The Crusades: A History is the definitive account of a key topic in medieval and religious history. Jonathan Riley-Smith, a world authority on the subject, explores the organisation of a crusade, the experience of crusading and the crusaders themselves, producing a textbook that is as accessible as it is comprehensive.

This third edition includes:
  • Substantial new material on crusade theory, historiography and translated texts
  • An expanded scope that extends the text to cover the decline of crusading in the nineteenth century
  • Valuable pedagogical features, such as a revised bibliography, maps, illustrations and a brand new chronology

This book is essential reading for all students and scholars seeking to understand the Crusades and their significance in world history.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 114 pages
$30.00  Inc Tax
The Founding of Christendom
The Founding of Christendom
A history of Christendom vol. 1
by Warren H. Carroll

This series is the only comprehensive narration of Western history written from the orthodox Catholic perspective still in print. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with these first principles: Truth exists; the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 605 pages
A history of Christendom vol. 1
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$60.00  Inc Tax
The Revolution Against Christendom
The Revolution Against Christendom
A History of Christendom vol. 5
by Warren H. Carroll

Chronicles developments in Christianity and the Catholic church, the papacy and its place in world history from 1661 to 1815, focusing in particular on the church in France from the French revolution through the rule of Napoleon.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 807 pages
A History of Christendom vol. 5
$60.00  Inc Tax
The Glory of Christendom
The Glory of Christendom
A history of Christendom vol. 3
by Warren H. Carroll

This series is the only comprehensive narration of Western history written from the orthodox Catholic perspective still in print. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with these first principles: Truth exists; the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 782 pages
A history of Christendom vol. 3
$60.00  Inc Tax
The Building of Christendom
The Building of Christendom
A history of Christendom vol. 2
by Warren H. Carroll

This series is the only comprehensive narration of Western history written from the orthodox Catholic perspective still in print. How would a historical narrative read if the author began with these first principles: Truth exists; the Incarnation happened? This series is essential reading for those who consider the West worth defending.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 618 pages
A history of Christendom vol. 2
$60.00  Inc Tax
Famous Men of Rome
Famous Men of Rome
by John H. Haaren and A. B. Poland

Attractive biographical sketches of twenty-eight of the most prominent characters in the history of ancient Rome, from its founding to its fall. Includes most of the best known characters from the kingdom and republic of Rome, as well as the most prominent personages from the imperial age. Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination.

Ideal introduction to ancient Rome for ages 9 and up.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 240 pages
$30.00  Inc Tax
Famous Men of Greece
Famous Men of Greece
by John H. Haaren and A. B. Poland

Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of ancient Greece, from legendary times to its fall in 146 B.C. Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination.

Ideal introduction to ancient Greece for ages 9 and up.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 252 pages
$30.00  Inc Tax
Famous Men of the Middle Ages
Famous Men of the Middle Ages
by John H. Haaren and A. B. Poland

Attractive biographical sketches of thirty-five of the most prominent characters in the history of the Middle Ages, from the barbarian invasions to the invention of the printing press. Each story is told in a clear, simple manner, and is well calculated to awaken and stimulate the youthful imagination.

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 246 pages
$30.00  Inc Tax
Crisis of Christendom

Crisis of Christendom
A History of Christendom vol. 6
by Warren H. Carroll

The Crisis of Christendom
 is the sixth and final volume of Dr. Warren H. Carroll's history of Christendom. It is concerned with the "crises," or turning points, in the diseases which plagued humanity during the modern era. The book discusses in detail Nazi and Japanese militarism and its crisis in World War II, the inhuman system of Communism and its fall in 1989, and the origins and consequences of the denial of human dignity in the modern culture of death. Carroll shows the power of evil in the twentieth century, but focuses also on the great popes, in particular Pope John Paul II, and the great apparitions of the Marian Century. He ends with a call to hope and action.

As did earlier volumes in this sweeping series, The Crisis of Christendom reflects an unabashedly Christian and Catholic view of history, taking as one of its major themes the centrality of the Papacy to the destiny of the West. Dr. Carroll holds that God and individual men and women, not impersonal social and economic "forces," make history. The characters and actions of these history-makers, both good and evil, are vividly depicted as essential elements in the triumphs and tragedies of Christian civilization in Europe and the New World for two centuries (1815-2010).

Both a gripping, dramatic narrative and an indispensable work of reference for Christian history, this volume, and the entire series of which it is a part, belong in the library of every serious Catholic who desires to understand the work that Christ has done in the world through His Church and His faithful people.

How would a historical narrative read if the author began with the first principles that truth exists and the Incarnation happened? The long-awaited sixth and final volume to the late Warren Carroll's highly regarded history of Christendom covers the years 1815 through 2005. This series is the only in-print, comprehensive narration of Western history written from an orthodox Catholic perspective

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 700 pages

A History of Christendom vol. 6
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