Let us go to Jesus

Devotions in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King
$18.50  Inc Tax

Let us go to Jesus
Devotions in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King
Complied by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

Brief Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, together with Prayers for Mass and Holy Communion, Litanies and Devotions for Various Occasions by Fr. Lasance.

Among his many writings, Lasance offers up a small book of various devotions, prayers, and litanies for all occasions. Included in this book are footnotes which act as a follow up to previous passages to further emphasize specific phrases.

Along with illustrations, Lasance touches on certain prayer passages and indulges his readers on further reflections on their meanings. For example, from his Reflections on the Second Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Thy Kingdom Come”, Lasance says, “Consider that in this the second petition of the “Our Father” we pray for the kingdom of God. Now, we find in Holy Writ that the kingdom of God is understood in three different ways. First, of the eternal kingdom of God. . .”. With his teachings, Lasance brings traditional prayers into a new light.

Softcover, 132 pages

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