Spiritual Steps to Christmas

Spiritual Steps to Christmas
by Rev. Msgr. Aloysius F. Coogan,

Today, Christmas is celebrated without Christ in many quarters. Christmas is the season when God became man in the form of a child, and yet, unhappily, in how many homes, because Christ is uninvited, children, too, are no longer welcome. Christmas, like Emmanuel, means “God with us.” If we celebrate Christmas without God, we have lost its meaning. If we refuse an inn to God’s children as the fruit of marriage, we repeat the sad tale of Bethlehem that refused an inn to Mary and Joseph and the Child.

This book was written with the hope and intention of bringing to our minds the thoughts of Advent that we may think and pray with Mary who brought Christ to us. Advent, like Lent, is a time of preparation in thought and deed for a great event.

Spiritual Steps to Christmas, provide a daily meditiation throughout Advent to prepare well for the coming of the Christ Babe.

Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 116 pages, Impr 1953
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