Lasance, Fr. Francis Xavier

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Thoughts of Many Hearts Together with Reflections on the Life and Virtues of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Besides Mass and Novena Prayers in Honour of the Little Flower and Communion Devotions
$36.00  Inc Tax
The New Roman Missal
$160.00  Inc Tax
$40.00  Inc Tax
Out of Stock
$43.00  Inc Tax
$23.00  Inc Tax
Hours and Half-Hours of Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament
$43.00  Inc Tax
With an Appendix of Maxims and Counsels of Saints and Spiritual Writers
$61.00  Inc Tax
Out of Stock
$60.00  Inc Tax
Scriptural Maxims and Spiritual Reading for Every Day in the Year. Meditations and Considerations for the Monthly Recollection and the Annual Retreat. Together with A Prayer-Book for All Ordinary Needs.
$55.00  Inc Tax
Happiness in Holiness A Book of Reflections and Prayers
$40.00  Inc Tax
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$60.00  Inc Tax
$46.00  Inc Tax
Reflections on Purgatory
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$44.00  Inc Tax
Out of Stock
$39.00  Inc Tax
$30.00  Inc Tax
Happiness in Goodness
$23.00  Inc Tax
Devotions in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King
$18.50  Inc Tax
A Book of Prayer for Men and Women
Out of Stock
$33.00  Inc Tax
$45.00  Inc Tax
Young Man\'s Guide
Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance
Out of Stock
$26.00  Inc Tax
Holiness and Happiness

Holiness and Happiness
Thoughts of Many Hearts Together with Reflections on the Life and Virtues of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Besides Mass and Novena Prayers in Honour of the Little Flower and Communion Devotions
Compiled and Edited by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

Our habitual thoughts make us what we are. As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he. Sooner or later a man’s habitual thoughts come out in his life and character. What his thoughts are determines what he will become.

The sayings of saints, and of wise and holy men and women, if read day by day, with prayerful reflection, will cheer us and sustain us in the conflicts with the enemies of our salvation, will help us to do what is right, to press onward and upward, valiantly and persistently toward the goal of perfection.

Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 281 pages

Thoughts of Many Hearts Together with Reflections on the Life and Virtues of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus Besides Mass and Novena Prayers in Honour of the Little Flower and Communion Devotions
$36.00  Inc Tax
The New Roman Missal
The New Roman Missal
New Roman Missal
compiled by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

A beautiful reproduction of the original 1945 text of the Immorial Latin Tridentine Mass, according to the Council of Trent, with complete Latin and English text for the Ordinary and Propers of the Mass. There are no revisions, but additions made according to the Papal decrees dating from 1945 to the end of Pope Pius XII's reign include the Mass Propers and the Divine Praise of the Assumption. The binding is sewn with black leatherette covers and gold lettering. The pages have rounded corners and gold-guilt edges. Complete with 6 colored ribbon dividers. 

Bonded calf skin with gold emboss on a flexi cover, 6 ribbons, size 7" x 4.4", 1900 pages, Impr.
$160.00  Inc Tax
My God and My All

My God and My All
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

As the composer of numerous volumes, Father Lasance is the master of prayerbooks for Catholics. This is his shirt-pocket size contribution designed especially for children and loved by many adults as well. This handy little book makes a perfect gift for First Communions, Confirmations, birthdays, etc. It contains the responses for serving Low Mass, as well as morning and evening prayers, litanies, pious ejaculations, devotions for Confession and communion, and many other essential Catholic prayers. 1922 Edition

Black Leather hardcover, size 5" x 3", 296 pages

$40.00  Inc Tax
Self Conquest
Self Conquest
compiled by Fr Francis X. Lasance

"The conquest of self is the grandest triumph that man can achieve."  

Self Conquest holds inspiring thoughts for each day of the year. Reflecting on these counsels, drawn from the Scriptures and sayings of numerous saints, including St. Teresa of Avila, St Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis de Sales, and St. Alphonsus Liguori, will assist us in striving for sanctity.

Flexi leather cover, size 7.4" x 5.3", 216 pages, Impr 1936
Our Lady Book

Our Lady Book
compiled by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

The purpose of the present volume is to cultivate among the faithful a tender and practical devotion to Our Lady, which consists, first of all, in having a right understanding of the sublime prerogatives of the blessed Mother of God; secondly, in honoring her, as she is worthy of being honored, by means of meditation on her life and virtues, pious practices, and devotions, not only in the month of May, on Saturdays, and on her festivals, but also every day in the year; thirdly, in following her example and imitating her virtues; finally, in having recourse to her in all necessities with the utmost confidence in her goodness and in the power of her intercession at the throne of Divine Mercy.

Paperback, 748 pages

Out of Stock
$43.00  Inc Tax
The Catholic Girl's Guide Hardcover
The Catholic Girl's Guide
by Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance

A Guide for the young Catholic woman.

In this guide Fr. Lasance provides instructions and devotions for young ladies on acquiring Catholic virtues and living out their Catholic Faith. In this book Fr. Lasance counsels young ladies on choosing one's state in life, provides prayers, novenas, a discussion on sodalities, and a devotion for everyday in the month of May.

ANGELUS PRESS has completely re-typeset this Catholic classic from 1905. This edition is printed on beautiful cream paper and encased in a gold-embossed hardback cover with a black ribbon.

Hardcover, size 6" x 4", 681 pages
Catholic Girl's Guide
Catholic Girl's Guide
by Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance

Reprinted from the 1906 edition.. This is a wonderful guide for Catholic young women; filled with many counsels and devotions.

It addresses many of the issues which face girls in their adolescent years. After admonishing the young lady to be a 'child of Mary,' Fr. Lasance builds a 'Maiden's Wreath' combining catechism and virtues with an appropriate flower (lily, rose, etc.). Should the religious state or married life be followed? Chapters discuss both alternatives with an additional section on family life. Extensive traditional devotions (novenas, prayers, etc.) end the book, which also contains detailed information about the Sodality of Mary. A classic, as is the Young Man's Guide.

Paperback, size 6" x 4", 680 pages
$23.00  Inc Tax
Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle

Visits to Jesus in the Tabernacle
Hours and Half-Hours of Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

Hours and Half-Hours of Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament with a novena to the Holy Ghost and devotions for Mass, Holy Communion, etc. This book is a bouquet of eucharistic flowers, gathered from many and various gardens, under the direction, as we prayed, of the Holy Spirit, and offered in the name of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph to the pious adorers of the Blessed Sacrament for their spiritual refreshment.  Impr 1898

Paperback, size 6" x 5.5", 639 pages

Hours and Half-Hours of Adoration Before the Blessed Sacrament
$43.00  Inc Tax
Thoughts on the Religious Life

Thoughts on the Religious Life
With an Appendix of Maxims and Counsels of Saints and Spiritual Writers
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

The virtues are treated clearly and practically, and in a manner that incites the soul to their exercise. We cherish the hope and pray that this book may fall into the hands of many, and, by the grace of God, be instrumental in rousing some from spiritual torpidity due to the blandishments of the world; in opening their eyes to the grandeur of that enclosed garden of the Lord, where the fairest flowers of virtue - above all, the rose of charity - bloom in unsurpassed abundance and splendour of development; and in attracting them to that school of sanctity, where, as St. Bernard says, “Men lead a purer life, fall into sin less frequently, rise again more easily, walk more cautiously, rest more tranquilly, die more happily, and reap a richer reward for eternity.”

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 927 pages

With an Appendix of Maxims and Counsels of Saints and Spiritual Writers
$61.00  Inc Tax
Our Lady Book (hb)

Our Lady Book
compiled by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

This book was Fr. Lasance's effort to "cultivate among the faithful a tender and practical devotion to Our Lady."

Part I, Reflections, consists of meditations of her life, mediations for the month of May, and meditations also for every day of the year.

Part II, Prayers and Devotions, includes Mass devotions for Our Lady, Litanies, Stations of the Cross, devotions for Communion, Confession, Vespers, and a wealth of other devotions to the Blessed Mother.

Hardcover, 711 pages

Out of Stock
$60.00  Inc Tax
Lift up your hearts

Lift up your hearts
Scriptural Maxims and Spiritual Reading for Every Day in the Year.
Meditations and Considerations for the Monthly Recollection and the Annual Retreat.
Together with A Prayer-Book for All Ordinary Needs.
Edited by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

The present work seeks to cultivate in souls the spirit of prayer, and to lead them to union with God; it wishes to be helpful to all who, by means of meditation and prayer, are intent upon walking with God in the way of righteousness and perfection; it is designed especially to be of service to devout souls. It is a book of mental and vocal prayer intended for men and women who take a serious view of life; who are convinced that real and enduring happiness is found in holiness; whose love for Our Lord Jesus Christ is such that they desire to do more than merely to refrain from displeasing Him whose aim is to reproduce in themselves the virtues of our divine Master and Model. 

Paperback, 875 pages

Scriptural Maxims and Spiritual Reading for Every Day in the Year. Meditations and Considerations for the Monthly Recollection and the Annual Retreat. Together with A Prayer-Book for All Ordinary Needs.
$55.00  Inc Tax
Rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the Lord
Happiness in Holiness
A Book of Reflections and Prayers
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

“Rejoice in the Lord” emphasizes and unfolds the fundamental truth contained in the epigrammatic saying of Father Hecker: “The end of religion is joy– joy here no less than joy hereafter.” It is composed of three parts. The first part is a Book of Reflections. Under the caption “A Word of Good Cheer for Each Day in the Year” are gathered together from the Sacred Scriptures, and from the writing or sayings of saints and sages, words or thoughts, that will help us, if we make them our own, to maintain a spirit of cheerfulness in all our vicissitudes, that will encourage us, if we meditate on them, to cultivate the habit of looking on the bright side of things. The second part is a Book of Prayer; that is to say, a prayer-book which is suitable to all states of life for all ordinary occasions of devotion. The third part is A Little Books of Indulgenced Ejaculations and Short Prayers.

Paperback, 505 pages

Happiness in Holiness A Book of Reflections and Prayers
$40.00  Inc Tax
My Prayer Book - hardcover
My Prayer Book
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

Fr. Lasance provides counsels and reflections on the pursuit of happiness, prayers and devotions for Holy Mass and throughout the day, and incentives for being generous and unselfish in the imitation of Christ.

Out of Stock
$60.00  Inc Tax
Road to happiness

Road to happiness
Thoughts on The Way of Salvation, The Last Things, The Following of Christ, The Imitation of the Saints, The Patronage of the Angels, and The Eight Beatitudes.
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

This book wants to make you remember the things that tend to your peace and happiness, the things that count for eternity; it wants to be your friendly mentor in the storm and stress of life, if you will have the grace to accept it as such, to the end that, by prayerfully meditating on the subjects proposed for your consideration, you may grow in the knowledge and love of God, may strive constantly after that which is the will of God - your personal sanctification and, in the imitation of Jesus Christ, your divine Master and Model, you may practise the virtues proper to your state of life, as inculcated especially in the Eight Beatitudes, so that you may ultimately achieve your destiny and one day be admitted to the City of the Saints, the everlasting happiness of which is indicated by St. Paul in his Epistle to the Corinthians: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man, what things God hath prepared for them that love Him,” and which is described by St. John in the Apocalypse : “Behold the tabernacle of God with men. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and death shall be no more, nor mourning, nor crying, nor sorrow shall be any more; for the former things are passed away.”

Paperback, 662 pages

$46.00  Inc Tax
Holy Souls Book

Holy Souls Book
Reflections on Purgatory
A Complete Prayer book
Including Special Prayers and Devotions in Behalf of the Poor Souls in Purgatory
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

Rare and Unusual Book!

It is hoped that this book will cultivate a special devotion to the holy souls in Purgatory. This devotion, while it solaces the Holy Souls, in whose behalf it is directly exercised, is eminently pleasing to God, and beneficial to ourselves. It is hoped that the “Reflections” contained in the first part of this little book will stimulate the pious reader to make frequent use of the prayers and devotions which are found in the second part for the solace of the suffering souls in Purgatory. 

Paperback, 442 pages

Reflections on Purgatory
Out of Stock
$44.00  Inc Tax
Sunday Missal

Sunday Missal
Compiled by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

In Conformity with the Vatican Typical Edition of the Missale Romanum (the book used by the priest when saying Mass); containing Supplement “Read Mass With the Priest and A Study Plan Based on the Sunday Missal by Rev. William R. Kelly. Also includes Devotions, including 40 Hours’ Adoration (from Pope Paul V, 1606 A.D.). Pope Pius XI wrote a letter to Father Lasance on May 10, 1927 saying:”His Holiness wishes that [this work], which assuredly will promote the spiritual life, may receive an ever increasing welcome in all the Christian families of your country.”

Imprimatur, 1936. 704 pages. Perfectbound.

Small print version size 5.75" x 4"

Out of Stock
$39.00  Inc Tax
My Prayer Book (white)
My Prayer Book - white (paperback)
Happiness in Goodness
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

If you were permitted to possess only one prayer book, this would be it! In addition to the Ordinary of the Mass and the Rosary, and virtually every prayer with which Catholics are familiar, this book is filled with counsels and reflections that make the reader discover the meaning of the subtitle, "Happiness in Goodness." Imprimatur: 1908

Paperback, size 5.4" x 4" x 1.2", 700 pages
$30.00  Inc Tax
My Prayer Book - black (paperback)

My Prayer Book - black (paperback)
Happiness in Goodness
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

If you were permitted to possess only one prayer book, this would be it! In addition to the Ordinary of the Mass and the Rosary, and virtually every prayer with which Catholics are familiar, this book is filled with counsels and reflections that make the reader discover the meaning of the subtitle, "Happiness in Goodness." Imprimatur: 1908

Paperback, size 5.4" x 4" x 1.2", 700 pages

Happiness in Goodness
$23.00  Inc Tax
Let us go to Jesus

Let us go to Jesus
Devotions in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King
Complied by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

Brief Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, together with Prayers for Mass and Holy Communion, Litanies and Devotions for Various Occasions by Fr. Lasance.

Among his many writings, Lasance offers up a small book of various devotions, prayers, and litanies for all occasions. Included in this book are footnotes which act as a follow up to previous passages to further emphasize specific phrases.

Along with illustrations, Lasance touches on certain prayer passages and indulges his readers on further reflections on their meanings. For example, from his Reflections on the Second Petition of the Lord’s Prayer: “Thy Kingdom Come”, Lasance says, “Consider that in this the second petition of the “Our Father” we pray for the kingdom of God. Now, we find in Holy Writ that the kingdom of God is understood in three different ways. First, of the eternal kingdom of God. . .”. With his teachings, Lasance brings traditional prayers into a new light.

Softcover, 132 pages

Devotions in Honour of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King
$18.50  Inc Tax
Manna of the Soul
Manna of the Soul
compiled by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

This is a beautiful and very useful prayerbook. Originally put together by the prolific Father Lasance, this book was reccommended by Pope Pius XI. It was printed in a large font with plenty of spacing and was designed for easy reading in the low light conditions found in many Catholic churchs. Loreto has produced a modern edition on bright white paper for ease of reading in places where the lighting is less than adequate or for those people who either need magnifiers for close up reading or whose eyesight is less than what it used to be. This is the only truly large print prayerbook available with all of the old traditional prayers. 
1926 Edition

Soft leather-like Flex-cover, pocket size 4.5" by 6.25", 546 pages
Manna of the Soul

Manna of the Soul
compiled by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

Manna of the Soul was compiled by the writer at the request of a number of his friends with a view to pleasing men and women, young and old, of the household of the Faith. It is composed largely of prayers and devotions from “The Raccolta” and the liturgical books of the church.

Paperback, 375 pages

A Book of Prayer for Men and Women
Out of Stock
$33.00  Inc Tax
The Young Man's Guide Hardcover
The Young Man's Guide
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

A Guide for the young Catholic man.

In this book by Fr. Lasance, he provides counsels, reflections and prayers for young Catholic men. This is a good source for young men on a variety of subjects, including: how to conquer sin and the occasions of sin; virtues needed to fight in the battle for salvation; choosing one's state in life; and guidance to various devotions for Mass, Confession and Holy Communion.

ANGELUS PRESS has completely re-typeset this Catholic classic from 1905. This edition is printed on beautiful cream paper and encased in a gold-embossed hardback cover with a black ribbon.

Hardcover, 760 pages
Sacred Heart Book

Sacred Heart Book
by Fr Francis Xavier Lasance

We purpose, by means of this book, to inculcate the proper spirit of the devotion to the Sacred Heart, to assist souls in cultivating the interior life in the midst of the distracting pursuits of the world, and to foster a fervent yet reasonable devotion - a love that is both affective and effective - not a mere sentimentality, but a robust and practical piety.

It is this that lives become self-forgetting, devoted, according to the Heart of Jesus, and, through, union with Him, are hidden in God.

Paperback, 638 pages

$45.00  Inc Tax
Young Man\'s Guide
Young Man's Guide
Young Man's Guide
by Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance

This is really much more than a prayer book - it has counsels, reflections, and prayers for the Catholic young man. Profession and defense of the Faith are compared to the swords, shields, spears and arrows in the first half of the book which combines basic theology and catechism.

The choice of a young man (priesthood, religious or married state) is discussed and the virtues of manhood are examined. Prayers, litanies and numerous traditional devotions are included in the last half of the book along with information on the Sodality of Mary.

Paperback, 782 pages
Fr. Francis Xavier Lasance
Out of Stock
$26.00  Inc Tax
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