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Blessed Miguel Pro
20th-century Mexican Martyr
$17.00  Inc Tax
Dawn Brings Glory
A Story of Blessed Miguel Pro SJ
$19.00  Inc Tax
$22.00  Inc Tax
$32.00  Inc Tax
Mexican Martyrdom
$34.00  Inc Tax
Blessed Miguel Pro
Blessed Miguel Pro
Blessed Miguel Pro
20th-century Mexican Martyr
by Ann Ball

This is the inspiring story of the famous Father Miguel Pro who was executed in Mexico in 1927 for the crime of being a Catholic priest. This young Jesuit spent most of his short life in the priesthood dodging the Mexican police as he ministered to the underground Church during the Mexican Revolution. Fr Pro's quick wit and keen sense of humor were put to good use as he pedaled around Mexico City on his bicycle in various disguises, en route to administering the Sacraments, giving spiritual talks or begging food and money for the poor. But behind the disguises beat the heart of a Saint - as the Mexican people testified by turning out in throngs to pay their last respects after his martyrdom.
Fr Pro offered his life for the Catholic Faith and his last words on this earth were: "Viva Cristo Rey" - Long live Christ the King! Blessed Miguel Pro makes history come alive and highlights the dramatic conflict between the Church and her enemies that continues even to this day. Every member of the family will be delighted by this fast-paced true story of a modern Catholic hero who proclaimed both in life and death the reign of Christ the King.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.75", 144 pages
20th-century Mexican Martyr
$17.00  Inc Tax
Dawn Brings Glory
Dawn Brings Glory
Dawn Brings Glory
A Story of Blessed Miguel Pro SJ
by Brother Roberto, C.S.C.

Miguel Pro was born on January 15, 1891. He was a michievous boy who liked to have fun and make people laugh. In 1911, after a three-day retreat given by the Jesuits, Miguel became a novice in the Society of Jesus. Around this time, a political revolution in Mexico brought about a government that began to persecute and kill Catholics. Miguel had to flee Mexico to finish his studies. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Bl. Miguel Pro, who helped bring Christ to those in need- even when it meant sacrificing his life.

Level 3

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 145 pages
A Story of Blessed Miguel Pro SJ
$19.00  Inc Tax
God's Heroes in America
God's Heroes in America
by Catechetical Guild Comics

A “graphic novel” at its finest! Original copyright 1956! Contains 9 different short, wondrous tales about heroic martyrs, saintly nuns, and a great sorcerer!
  • Martyr of Christ - St Issac Jogues,
  • Quest of Honour, - Fr de Smet
  • The Great Sorcerer - Fr John de Brebeuf,
  • Saviour of Vincennes - Fr Pierre Gibault,
  • Lady in Grey - St Marguerite D'Youville,
  • America’s Mother Seton - St Elizabeth Seton,
  • Faith was His Sword - Fr Junipero Serra,
  • Revolt in the Sun - Fra Francisco Garces,
  • Mexican Martyr - Fr Miguel Pro.

Paperback, 66 pages
$22.00  Inc Tax
Padre Pro
By Fanchon Royer - PB - 304 pages Miguel Pro was born in 1891. He was the third of eleven children, four of whom had died as infants or young children. He entered the Jesuit novitiate at El Llano on August 15, 1911, was ordained in 1925, and executed in 1927. In 1952—just 25 years later—his cause came up for beatification and he was beatified by Pope John Paul II on September 25, 1988. At the time of Padre Pro’s death, Mexico was under rule of the fiercely anti-clerical and anti-Catholic President Plutarch Elias Calles who had begun what writer Graham Greene called the “fiercest persecution of religion anywhere since the reign of Elizabeth.” During those years of the Masonic-Communist persecution, the Mexican people rose up in a great war to defend their nation and the rights of the Church and of Christ the King. Their battle-cry was Viva Christo Rey! Blessed Padre Pro’s martyrdom came at the height of the war and it typifies the period of the Cristero rebellion and its heroes. He took no part in the war, but spent his life ministering to the poor and faithful Mexicans. He was one of the earliest combatants of communism and a pioneer “priest worker.” While observing the Mexican miners’ needs as assistant to his father, a mine operator, he first recognized his vocation. After entering the Society of Jesus, and spending time in Belgium and Spain for studies, he fell into the company of priests and seminarians who were preparing the way for the apostolate to the worker. When he returned to Mexico at the height of the anti-Catholic persecution, his was a mission to the laborers and to the poorest Mexicans. Disguised in overalls or chauffeur’s gear, he made his unwearied rounds bringing the sacraments and succour for body and soul to countless people. Heroic acts of charity and breath-taking escapes were his daily life. With the police ever on his trail, he daily brought solace and material aid to his persecuted compatriots. That this continued for only two years is not surprising: every day of survival during these two years was a miracle. Fanchón Royer has explored every possible source of information including official records of the Society of Jesus, documents and newspaper files, first-hand memoranda of the Pro family, and Father Pro’s correspondence. Mrs. Royer draws the portrait of an unusual and winning personality whose love of fun, mimicry, music, and poetry never left him during his hazardous and soul searing adventures. Her rich background in Latin-American history and long, intimate acquaintance with the Mexican mind and temperament add greatly to the dramatic power of her narrative.
$32.00  Inc Tax
Mexican Martyrdom
Mexican Martyrdom
'Mexican Martyrdom is a series of true stories of the terrible anti-Catholic persecutions which took place in Mexico in the 1920s. Told by the Jesuit priest, Fr. Wilfrid Parson, these stories are based upon cases he had seen himself or that had been described to him personally by the people who had undergone the atrocities of those times. Though most contemporary readers don t know it, a full-fledged persecution of the Church, with thousands of martyrdoms, took place in modern times, just south of our own border including the famous Jesuit priest, Fr. Miguel Pro, was martyred before a firing squad during this persecution. Between the conquest of Mexico by Cortes in 1521, and the Mexican Independence from Spain in 1821, Spain created in Mexico a great Catholic civilization to rival that of any nation in Europe. But when the Great Mexican Revolution began in 1810, this flourishing country began to wither and die. That Revolution was not to end until 1928, with the end of the brutal rule of President Plutarco Elias Calles, though in many ways it continues still. The heroic resistance of Mexican Catholics during this persecution is a great inspiration to Catholics today. Mexican Martyrdom proves that hatred for the Catholic Church exists even in our times and can still flare into open and bloody persecution in this so-called enlightened age. 304pp'
$34.00  Inc Tax
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