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The Sinner\'s Guide
$50.00  Inc Tax
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Saints Who Saw Mary
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$25.00  Inc Tax
Dark Night of the Soul
$40.00  Inc Tax
Saint John of the Cross
The Collected Works of St John of the Cross
$48.00  Inc Tax
The 35 Doctors of the Church
The 35 Doctors of the Church
by Fr. Christopher Rengers OFMCap, Matthew E. Bunson, PhD

The 35 Doctors of the Church presents the most comprehensive and fascinating collection available anywhere on the lives and labors of the saints who have been declared the Church’s Doctors.

From St. Athanasius (c. 297–373) to St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897), you’ll find the amazing stories of 35 extraordinary men and women who are honored both for their holiness and for the eminence of their teachings about the Faith.

Their work and witness are truly timeless; their lives and wisdom show us how to be holy in our own lives, how to confront the challenges of today, and how to proclaim the Gospel to a modern world hungering for Jesus Christ.

St AthanasiusSt EphremSt Cyril of JerusalemSt Hilary of PoitiersSt Gregory NazianzenSt Basil the Great
St Ambrose of MilanSt JeromeSt John ChrysostomSt Augustine of HippoSt Cyril of AlexandriaPope St Leo the Great
St Peter ChrysologusPope St Gregory the GreatSt Isidore of SevilleSt Bede the VenerableSt John DamasceneSt Peter Damian
St AnselmSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Hildegard of BingenSt Anthony of PaduaSt Albert the GreatSt Bonaventure
St Thomas AquinasSt Catherine of SienaSt John of AvilaSt Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusSt Robert Bellarmine
St John of the CrossSt Lawrence of BrindisiSt Francis de SalesSt Alphonsus LiguoriSt Therese of Lisieux

Originally published as The 33 Doctors of the Church by Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M.Cap., the 35 Doctors of the Church has been updated by Matthew E. Bunson, PhD, to include two new chapters about recently proclaimed Doctors, St. John of Ávila and St. Hildegard of Bingen. The revised edition also includes a new introduction with a detailed explanation of how the Church proclaims Doctors and their meaning for today. 

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 730 pages
$70.00  Inc Tax
Picture Book of Saints #03
Picture Book of Saints #03
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 3 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:

  • a full-color illustration of each Saint
  • short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
  • the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church

Saints included in this edition are:

St. Francis de SalesSt. Thomas AquinasSt. Isidore the FarmerSt. John the Baptist
St. BenedictSt. Clare of AssisiSt. BernardSt. Augustine
St. Charles BorromeoSt. Frances CabriniSt. ElizabethSt. Cecelia
St. Francis XavierSt. John of the CrossSt. Catherine LaboureOur Lady, Queen of All Saints

Paperback, 32 pages
$4.00  Inc Tax
Life of St. Teresa of Jesus
Life of St. Teresa of Jesus - Autobiography
Life of St. Teresa of Jesus
by St Teresa of Avila

Saint Teresa of Avila, mystic, Carmelite reformer, and Doctor of the Church, is one of the greatest people to ever walk the face of the Earth—and even one of the greatest saints. Her position as a spiritual master is uncontested and, as her Autobiography will attest, her life was one of astounding sanctity and humility.

Born to a pious family in 1515, she grew up fascinated with the faith. A popular anecdote from her youth tells of an impromptu escapade with her brother: they attempted to flee to Africa to be martyred by Moors, only to be brought back from the city walls by their uncle. Teresa later joined the Carmelites at 20, but found their practices to be lacking in austerity. She herself was zealous in mortification, and frequently exerted herself to the point of illness. Upon recovery after a particularly long convalescence, she began to experience religious ecstasies, which continued throughout her life. She experienced interior visions (i.e. without sensory manifestation) of Our Lord, levitations, and other graces, including the famous transverberation, where her heart was mystically pierced by a lance borne by a seraph.

But Teresa's principle work in life was to reform the Carmelites; she traveled all about Spain establishing new convents and, with St. John of the Cross, men's monasteries. Throughout all of her reform work, her attitude was joyful, saintly, and profoundly charismatic. The same personality shines through in her works on mystical theology, all of which are masterpieces, but the greatest of which is The Interior Castle, a guide of the spiritual journey of the soul through seven "mansions" of spiritual progress. The Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila is an astounding work by an astounding saint, a highly detailed and immensely useful look at the interior life of the mistress of the interior castle, a saint beyond compare in mystical wisdom. Let that wisdom pierce your heart too, through the words of these pages.

Paperback, 560 pages
$60.00  Inc Tax
The Sinner\'s Guide
The Sinner's Guide
The author of this book was the favorite writer of St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, St. Vincent de Paul, etc. St. Teresa of Avila credited this book with having converted over a million people in her time. This is the most persuasive book we know to encourage people to abandon sin and embrace repentance and virtue. The logic is relentless and effective. For mastery of subject, command of Scripture and total impact on the reader, no book surpasses The Sinner's Guide! Impr. 395 pgs, PB 395pp
$50.00  Inc Tax
Saint John of the Cross for Every Day
Saint John of the Cross for Every Day
edited by Kieran Kavanaugh, OCD

A thought for each day of the year from selected writings of St. John of the Cross.

Paperback, 94 pages
Stages in Prayer
Stages in Prayer
by Fr J.G. Arintero

Here's the spiritual classic that will elevate your prayer life from the “ordinary” to the “supernatural” by exploring and guiding you through the five fundamental stages of prayer.

Contrary to popular belief, true progress in your prayer life is not solely a function of adherence to a fixed set of rules. Rather, it is governed almost entirely by the emerging fruits of your prayer as the Holy Spirit leads you to live a life ever more pleasing to God. Thus, progress in prayer is more of an art than a science. Few Christians become mystics not because few are called but because few figure out how to navigate the stages of prayer and leverage the fruits to achieve union with God.

Fr. Arintero will show you how to progress from simple vocal prayer to the depths of spiritual meditation. You'll learn how to “travel by foot” when those inevitable moments of dryness in prayer surface, and you'll learn how to maximize progress in times of deep consolation.

With the writings of Sts. Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross, Francis de Sales, and Thomas Aquinas as his touch points, Fr. Arintero explains what is happening to the soul as it begins to enter into union with our Lord, including such manifestations as locutions and intellectual visions. Additionally, you will learn what to expect at each stage of contemplation, as well as the corresponding gifts many receive, such as ecstasies and raptures. Through the wisdom of the mystics, Fr. Arintero unpacks these mysteries and shares insights about:

  • The importance of making specific resolutions to grow in virtue

  • Why times of both great and light aridity are natural

  • How God pours out the gift of wisdom on souls through prayer

  • Why attachment to specific methods of prayer can hinder God's movement

  • What distractions in prayer may indicate and how to approach them

  • How to prepare yourself for prayer of quiet and infused recollection

You'll also receive guidance from the saints and mystics on difficulties in prayer, the fruits of the Holy Spirit, passive and active purgation, and the practice of mental prayer.

There is no authentic active life without a fervent contemplative life. Fr. Arintero will teach you “not to think much but to love much” in prayer. You will glean how to attain peace and joy in God's presence in this life and the next. By striving to grow in virtue and union with God, you will be emboldened to work for His kingdom and the salvation of souls. Through prayer, your charity will become more ardent, and you will be an instrument of God's healing in the world.

Paperback, 274 pages
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Seeds of the Kingdom

Seeds of the Kingdom
By Fr Almire Pichon, S.J.

The history of our Holy Faith gives many an instance of Saints working hand-in-hand for the Glory of God and the salvation of souls. AS St. Teresa of Avila was given St. John of the Cross, so too was God's own "Little Flower" in need of a devout teacher. It was the saintly spiritual direction from the little-known Fr. Almire Pichon, S. J., which aided her in her daily life at Carmel and helped her to reach the heights of the spiritual life.

Inside this book one will find simple truths and profound treasures of our Catholic Faith, transmitted by a holy man to those who were placed in his care.

Hardcover, 271 pages.

Saints Who Saw Mary
Saints Who Saw Mary
'Numerous beautiful, true stories about canonized Saints who saw and spoke with the Blessed Mother, e.g., St. Gertrude the Great, St. Francis, St. Bridget, St. Catherine of Siena, St. Teresa of Avila, St. John of the Cross, etc.--17 in all. Imparts a profound realization about the loving role of Mary in the lives of the faithful. One of the most enlightening, enjoyable and inspiring books a person will ever encounter! Impr. 155 pgs, PB 155pp'
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$25.00  Inc Tax
Self Abandonment to Divine Providence leather hardcover

Self –abandonment, is itself the work of God: While he strips of everything the souls who give themselves absolutely to him, God gives them something which takes the place of all; of light, wisdom, life and force: this gift is his love

Fr. Caussade’s Self Abandonment to Divine Providence is a book for all those who in the words of St. Benedict, “Truly seek God”. Fr. Caussades’s spiritual teaching was derived from two extremely pure sources, St. Francis de Sales and St. John of the Cross. Another source of influence on Caussade were his penitents, the Nuns of the Visitation.

Fr. Caussade effectively synthesizes both Salesian and Carmelite traditions in this book, which is comprised of his letters and dialogues on prayer. Fr. Caussade refers to the Salesian teaching of self-abandonment and simplicity, and the Carmelite emphasis on grace as a dynamic force that enlightens and cleanses the soul. When speaking of death to self, he refers to “abandonment” “trust” and “acquiescence”. He impresses upon the reader, that abandonment may be taught and practiced by repeated acts. It is the duty of every Christian to acquire this virtue.

Binding: Leather Hardback
Size:5½" x 8⅓"
$46.00  Inc Tax
Dark Night of the Soul hardcover
St. John of the Cross takes us on a journey into ourselves, a journey of knowledge and self understanding, that encompasses our failings and imperfections. It shows us how in a place beyond words we can embrace sadness and grief, and seeking God, our lives will be turned around. He describes the “arid and dark night of contemplation” which leads us to “the knowledge of oneself and of one’s misery.” True knowledge of our self and of our condition shows how far we must go to find God, who our restless hearts incessantly seek.

The Dark Night of the Soul describes how first the senses, and then the spirit undergo a series of purgation, which aids in bringing it closer to God, and eventually preparing it for union with Him. The individual soul seeks Jesus in a mystical marriage. For after the dark night, comes the joy of mystical union with God.
$46.00  Inc Tax
Dark Night of the Soul
Dark Night of the Soul
In Dark Night of the Soul, Saint John of the Cross presents for us a portrait painted from his own experience of one who advances successfully through the struggles of the spiritual life. The dark night that St John describes is not abandonment by God but special consideration from Him for those who desire to purify and perfect their souls. Be not afraid--Dark Night of the Soul, though austere and exacting in its instructions for holy living, is laced with St. John's charity and kindness, his love of all things beautiful and sacred--including you. 194pp
$40.00  Inc Tax
Saint John of the Cross
Saint John of the Cross
The fourth centenary of the death of St. John of the Cross inspired this revised edition of the English translation of his writings. The result is an edition that preserves the true meaning of the great mystic's writings, presents them as clearly as possible, and at the same time gives the reader the doctrinal and historical information that will lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of the teachings of the Mystical Doctor. Included in The Collected Works are St. John's poetry,
The Collected Works of St John of the Cross
$48.00  Inc Tax
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