Well Known/Famous Persons

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Removing the Blindfold
Nineteenth-century Catholics and the Myth of Modern Freedom
$30.00  Inc Tax
Out of Stock
$38.00  Inc Tax
Ink In His Blood
A Story of Monsignor Ronald Knox
$19.00  Inc Tax
Search For A Shepherd
A Story of Father Paul of Graymoor
$17.00  Inc Tax
A Story of Father Jean Lamy
Dante And His Journey
$22.00  Inc Tax
$12.00  Inc Tax
Story of Louis Braille
$14.00  Inc Tax
Story of Michelangelo
$14.00  Inc Tax
Story of Schubert
$12.00  Inc Tax
$44.00  Inc Tax
$46.00  Inc Tax
The Golden Arrow
The Autobiography and Revelations of Sister Mary of St. Peter (1816-1848) on Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus
$34.00  Inc Tax
Along with A guide to composing Sermons, Sermons on the Annunciation
$29.00  Inc Tax
Model Mother
$21.00  Inc Tax
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers
The story that inspired The Sound of Music
Out of Stock
$36.00  Inc Tax
The Woman Whose Goodness Changed Her Husband From Atheist to Priest
$33.00  Inc Tax
The Life of Satoko Kitahara - Convert and Servant of the Slums of Tokyo
The Story of Takashi Nagai a Scientist, Convert, and Survivor of the Atomic Bomb
The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana volume 1
Out of Stock
$32.00  Inc Tax
Mother of a Family
The Life of Madame Gabrielle Lefebvre, 1880-1938
$11.00  Inc Tax
On St Benedict
$6.60  Inc Tax
On St Boniface
Joy in Suffering
A Young Chinese Woman's Heroic Catholic Conversion and Consequent 25-Year Imprisonment in a Chinese Labor Camp
$29.00  Inc Tax
The Story of Auriesville \
Where the Indian Trail of the Jesuit Missioner Ended and the Path to Heaven Began
$27.00  Inc Tax
Garcia Moreno
$35.00  Inc Tax
The Life of Father De Smet, S. J.
Apostle of the Rocky Mountains (1804-1873)
$50.00  Inc Tax
Pere Lamy
$19.50  Inc Tax
Removing the Blindfold
Removing the Blindfold
Removing the Blindfold
Nineteenth-century Catholics and the Myth of Modern Freedom
by Dr John Rao

19TH CENTURY CATHOLICS AND THE MYTH OF MODERN FREEDOM Among American Catholics, there is a certain unwillingness to see anything amiss with modern civilization as embodied in the American dream of "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." Often, this is because the only alternatives to democracy we know are the much more frightening specters of socialism and communism. To many, it seems the only way to have an effective voice in the American political arena is to align ourselves with the so-called conservative "Right." Yet if we follow the logic of the "Right" today, we may wonder why people who support individual rights and freedom of conscience in the economic and political realm are so vehemently opposed to the supremacy of individual rights and freedom of conscience in the moral realm. Many Catholics give up following the logic at this point and cast their vote in favor of freedom of conscience as the most important principle - because it is the most advantageous to them at this moment.

LEARN THE TRUTH The Catholic Church, however, has never been concerned primarily with what is the most advantageous political system at a given point in history, but rather with the truth. In Removing the Blindfold, Dr. John Rao explains the conundrum that modern Catholics face in dealing with the current socio-political climate and traces the roots of this problem back to the French Revolution and the principles it espoused. He shows how most modern Catholics have embraced some form of revolutionary thought without even being aware of it, and reveals how revolutionary ideals are incompatible with Church teaching, and always have been.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 200 pages
Nineteenth-century Catholics and the Myth of Modern Freedom
$30.00  Inc Tax
The Song at the Scaffold
The Song at the Scaffold
by Gertrud von Le Fort

July 17, 1794: French Revolutionaries are out to crush the Catholic Church in their nation, and the latest targets of their brutality are the Carmelites of the convent of Compiègne. Sentenced to death for their faith, they kneel at the foot of the guillotine, renew their vows, and begin chanting 
Veni, Creator Spiritus, while each one mounts the scaffold to be beheaded.

The Song at the Scaffold is an historical novella based on the gripping story of these brave heroines who offered their lives as a witness to Christ. Written for adults, this 1931 classic has been supplemented with extensive study aids that make it suitable as well for high school students, including footnotes, questions for literary analysis, a glossary, an historical timeline, and an author biography.

Ages 12+

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 136 pages
Out of Stock
$38.00  Inc Tax
Ink In His Blood
Ink In His Blood
Ink In His Blood
A Story of Monsignor Ronald Knox
by Brother Edward Overstreet, C.S.C.

Ronald Knox was born in England in 1888, and he grew up in the Church of England. After much study and prayer, Ronald decided to join the Roman Catholic Church in 1917. Ronald was ordained a priest in 1919. Father Knox was a brilliant writer who published many works, but he saw a great need in the English-speaking Church: the need for a new translation of the Bible.

Level 3

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 145 pages
A Story of Monsignor Ronald Knox
$19.00  Inc Tax
Hugh O’Flaherty The Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis
Hugh O’Flaherty The Irish Priest Who Resisted the Nazis
by Fiorella De Maria

Monsignor Hugh O'Flaherty was working in the Vatican when dictator Benito Mussolini fell from power and Germany invaded Italy in 1943. This courageous Irish priest who resisted the Nazi occupation was made famous by the movie, The Scarlet and the Black, starring Gregory Peck. The Monsignor O'Flaherty brought to life in this story is as intriguing and exciting as the film version.Witty, brilliant, and fearless, Monsignor O'Flaherty helped escaped Allied prisoners of war and persecuted Jews to elude capture by the Germans. At great risk to themselves, Monsignor O'Flaherty and his equally brave friends—priests, nuns, and lay men and women, including a few aristocrats—saved thousands of lives. They constantly needed to stay one step ahead of the ever-persistent Nazis until their surrender to the Allies in 1945.

Not just a thrilling adventure story, this book offers a portal into a real-life battle between good and evil. It also tells of the need after a war for forgiveness and redemption.

Paperback, size 8" x 5.25", 196 pages
Out of Stock
Search For A Shepherd
Search For A Shepherd
Search For A Shepherd
A Story of Father Paul of Graymoor
by Brother Roberto, CSC

Fr. Paul was a convert from the Anglican Church. He founded the Society of the Atonement and established a wonderful devotion known as the Church Unity Octave.

Level 2

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 96 pages
A Story of Father Paul of Graymoor
$17.00  Inc Tax
Angel Of The Ragpickers
Angel Of The Ragpickers
A Story of Father Jean Lamy
by Brother Roberto, C.S.C.

As a child, Jean Lamy, and his family did three things every evening: pray the Rosary, read a chapter from the ‘Imitation of Christ’ and read the life of the saint for the day from the ‘Lives of the Saints’. He was greatly devoted to Our Lady and carried a small statue of Her wherever he went. He worked hard and even though setbacks occurred he was able to enter the seminary at the age of twenty-three and commended his future work to the Blessed Virgin. Our Lady appeared to him and told him of the coming of World War I and the causes. Most people did not believe him until the war came to France. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Father Jean Lamy by learning how to accept challenges no matter how difficult and how to live our lives so that we may receive the graces we need and to reach our true home in Heaven.

Level 2

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 96 pages
A Story of Father Jean Lamy
Dante And His Journey
Dante And His Journey
Dante And His Journey
by Brother Evan Schmid, C.S.C.

Dante Alighieri was born in Florence, Italy in 1261. As a brilliant and well-respected Florentine, he entered politics. In 1301, after a political upheaval in Florence, Dante was unjustly banished from the city of his birth. Exhiled for the rest of his life, Dante turned his poetic genius to writing a masterpiece of Italian poetry, The Divine Comedy. Reading this story can encourage us to follow the footsteps of Dante who responded to physical adversity by focusing his energy on the spiritual world and remaining true to the Faith.

Level 3

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 143 pages
$22.00  Inc Tax
Story of Venerable Catherine McAuley
Story of Venerable Catherine McAuley
A Story of Venerable Catherine McAuley
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C

Catherine was surrounded by many Protestants who tried to dissuade her from attending Mass. But Catherine stayed true to her Catholic faith and converted others by her prayers and kindness. In 1822, after receiving a large inheritance she used the money to build an orphanage and in 1831 she became the head of a new religious Order called the Sisters Of Mercy. reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Ven. Catherine McAuley who remained steadfast in her faith and dedicated her life and wealth to help care for those in need.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
Story of Captain John Barry
Story of Captain John Barry
A Story of Captain John Barry
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.

Captain John Barry was born in Ireland in 1745 and grew up in a loving Catholic family. As a teenager his parents gave him permission to sail to America. He served in the Continental Navy during the American Revolution. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of John Barry, who was faithful to his duties and kind to those under his leadership.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
A Story of Diego Mendez
A Story of Diego Mendez
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C

Diego Mendez sailed to America with Christopher Columbus on his final voyage. Without his help Columbus would not have been able to return to Spain after this last voyage. Diego risked his life on several occasions to serve his well-loved friend Christopher Columbus. In all his trials he prayed and placed his faith In God. He loved God and the Catholic Church and was always an example of piety to others. His life teaches us we must place our faith and complete trust in God in all our trials regardless of how difficult the task awaiting us seems to be. 

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
Story of Louis Braille
Story of Louis Braille
A Story of Louis Braille
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.

In 1812, when Louis Braille was only 3 years old, he was blinded by an accident in his father's workshop. His family wanted him to still get an education so they sent him to a school for the blind in Paris. He studied music and became the organist at St Anne's Church in Paris. Later he developed the Braille system of reading which used raised dots to form letters and words. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Louis braille, who was determined to overcome his disability and to help others.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$14.00  Inc Tax
A Story of Dvorak

A Story of Dvorak
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.

Antonin Dvorak was born on the Feast of Our Lady's Nativity, September 8, 1841. Even as a child he was fascinated by music. His father wanted him to follow in his footsteps as an inn keeper and village butcher but in time he realized what a gift his son had for music.

After graduating from Organ School he met his future wife. Sorrow was to be a part of their married life when they lost in death two of their children within two months of each other. Antonin joined his sorrows with the sorrow of Our Lady and wrote the "Sabat Mater".

Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Antonin Dvorak as even though he was a world famous composer he remained a humble man until death.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages

Story of Michelangelo
Story of Michelangelo
A Story of Michelangelo
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C.

Michelangelo Buonarroti was born in Italy in 1475. As a young man he carved many statues and was an accomplished artist. When Pope Julius II asked him to paint frescoes on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel he hesitated as he considered himself a sculptor, not a painter. But he listened to the pope and began painting. Reading this story can encourage us to follow int he footsteps of Michelangelo who had the courage to use his talents in new ways, thereby bringing greater glory to God.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages

$14.00  Inc Tax
Story of Rubens
A Story of Rubens
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C

Peter Paul Rubens was born in 1577. His father died when he was only ten but his mother raised him to the best of her ability. She allowed him to be a page in the palace of Countess de Lalaing. While serving in her palace he would meet many great men and be taught by several Jesuits. He excelled in his studies. He studied under many famous artists and excelled in his talent as an artist. He continued to work his whole life. He painted numerous religious pictures and his greatest masterpiece is "Descent from the Cross". Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Rubens by using the gifts that God gives us to the best of our ability.

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages

Peter Paul Rubens | Descent from the cross (Circa 1800) | MutualArt
Story of Schubert
Story of Schubert
A Story of Schubert
by Brother Ernest, C.S.C

In 1797, Franz Schubert was born near Vienna, Austria. At a young age he began taking piano and violin lessons. He joined the local choir and began taking organ and voice lessons. Soon he started composing his own music. He composed 6 Mass settings, 9 symphonies and more than 500 songs during his short life. Franz Schubert used his talents to glorify God by writing beautiful music that has touched the hearts of many.

Level 1

Paperback, size 8" x 6", 30 pages
$12.00  Inc Tax
by Hilaire Belloc

Sketch of the Cardinal's character - specifically of his Will - seen through his background, the figures surrounding him, and his line of action. In attempting to achieve for France the leadership of Europe, Richelieu loosed forces stronger than he could deal with, with the consequent weakening, if not destruction, of Catholicism. This gripping tale, unfolding at the heart of the European story, is a candid look at Richeliu's uncanny statesmanship and undoubted sincerity, and the unintended but disastrous effect of these upon the soul of Western civilization.

Paperback, 272 pages
$44.00  Inc Tax
Charles II: The Last Rally
Charles II: The Last Rally
by Hilaire Belloc

This is a vivid portrayal of Charles II, as well as a historical investigation into the role of monarchy in pre-Revolution Europe. It looks closely at the role that the burgeoning financial powers played in shaping European politics and the effects of these powers on the English monarchy and on Europe generally. Belloc brings to his writing an intimate knowledge of the countries about which he is writing and a fervent belief in the Catholic faith and its role in the history of Europe.

Paperback, 223 pages

$40.00  Inc Tax
Charles I
Charles I
by Hilaire Belloc

The Reformation in England led to its victory in much of the rest of Europe. That victory unleashed the forces of social disintegration Protestantism, Capitalism, and anti-Catholicism and led them to challenge the tradition of Monarchy on the field of battle. This book tells the story of how Charles I came to face those forces, manipulated by the Money Power, and how and why he failed.

Paperback, 286 pages, Illus.
$46.00  Inc Tax
The Golden Arrow
The Golden Arrow
The Golden Arrow
The Autobiography and Revelations of Sister Mary of St. Peter (1816-1848) on Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus
by Sister Mary of Saint Peter

Born in 1816 in Brittany, France, Sister Mary of Saint Peter lost her mother at age 12. Soon after entering the Carmelite convent at Tours in 1839 at age 23, she began to receive remarkable and intimate communications from Our Lord, Who told her of His great distressed over the evil actions and blasphemous declarations of the Marxist revolutionaries of the time. He also bemoaned the indifference to and profanation of Sunday and Holy Days of Obligation of even Christians. These errors, begun in Sister Mary's time, have grown monstrously ingrained in our present fearful age.

But the Lord provided Sister Mary over a century and a half ago with the means of fighting these catastrophes and making solemn reparation: devotion to His Holy Face. In addition, He gave her a prayer, a "Golden Arrow" fit to pierce His Heart delightfully, in reparation for the painful "poison arrows" of blasphemy launched by so many poor sinners, even children.

The Golden Arrow tells of both the life of Sister Mary of Saint Peter and her life's work: the devotion, granted to her by Jesus Himself, to His Holy Face. Approved by Pope Leo XIII and promoted by St. Therese of Lisieux half a century later, the devotion to the Holy Face may be the single most important devotion of our time that still remains relatively unknown.

In our age so sorely afflicted by the same grievous errors as Sister Mary of Saint Peter's, learn to adore Our Blessed Savior's wounded Face, so as to make reparation for the sacrileges and blasphemies of our decadent age.

May the most Holy, most Sacred, most Adorable,
Most Incomprehensible and Ineffable Name of God
Be always Praised, Blessed, Loved, Adored and Glorified,
In Heaven, on Earth and in Hell,
By all the Creatures of God,
And by the Sacred Heart of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
In the most Holy Sacrament of the Altar.


Paperback, 248 pages

The Autobiography and Revelations of Sister Mary of St. Peter (1816-1848) on Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus
$34.00  Inc Tax
Life of Gabrielle Lefebvre, The
Life of Gabrielle Lefebvre, The
by Rev Fr Le Crom

The story is told by the spiritual director of the mother of Archbishop Lefebvre - a mother of eight children, five of whom entered religion. After the baptism of the future archbishop, she would say, "He will have a great role to play in the holy Church, at Rome, near the Holy Father." Admittedly, that strikes most of us as odd, preposterous or even freaky, but that is indeed what she said!
Describes her commitment to the ordinary way of salvation and some of what is known of her mysticism.
Booklet, 35 pages
The Autobiography of St. Robert Bellarmine

Bellarmine never set out to compose any writings, but always did so out of obedience. He wrote his autobiography for 2 of his brother Jesuits out of courtesy for their request to have an account of his life. Though he never intended it for any eyes but theirs, it was discovered and published in the 18th century, and became a great success. It is a brief and simple account of the life and travails of a great soul that loved Jesus Christ above all things.

Also included are St Robert Bellarmine’s Guide to Composing Sermons and evidence of this in action, his Sermons on the Annunciation given in Italy. These sermons explore the depths of the mysteries contained in the Annunciation made by the Archangel Gabriel to the Blessed Virgin, which were preached in Italy while he was a Cardinal in Rome. These explore subjects as diverse as Greek and Hebrew etymology, Angelology, Mariology and the fulfillment of the Old Covenant in Christ. The publishers have also added pictures of the places and people St. Robert mentions when relating his life.

Along with A guide to composing Sermons, Sermons on the Annunciation
$29.00  Inc Tax
Mamma Margherita

Mamma Margherita
Model Mother
by Fr Augustin Auffray, SDB

“The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world”, goes the old saying. This has rarely been so true as in the case of Mamma Margherita Bosco, mother of the great apostle of youth, Saint John Bosco.

A peasant by birth, Margherita already demonstrated virtue, courage and common sense as a young girl. After her husband’s death, she single-handedly raised her three boys while running the family farm. Then, when her beloved John called on her help for his budding Oratory in Turin, she generously answered his call. She once more became a mother – this time of hundreds of boys in Turin.

Partly using material from his monumental biography of Don Bosco and partly relying on the Saint’s memoirs, Father Auffray paints as complete a picture as possible of this great woman.

Father Auffray wrote this book in order to give mothers an example they could follow and in order to encourage them in the difficulties inherent in their sacred task of raising children.

“We offer to all women who feel in their heart the desire to be “mothers of a holy people” this model of energy, abnegation and Christian spirit in the education of her children”. Father Augustin Auffray (Preface)

Paperback, 174 pages

Model Mother
$21.00  Inc Tax
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers
'With nearly 1,500 Broadway performances, six Tony Awards, more than three million albums sold, and five Academy Awards, The Sound of Music, based on the lives of Maria, the baron, and their singing children, is as familiar to most of us as our own family history. But much about the real-life woman and her family was left untold. Here, Baroness Maria Augusta Trapp tells in her own beautiful, simple words the extraordinary story of her romance with the baron, their escape from Nazi-occupied Austria, and their life in America. Now with photographs from the original edition. 320pp'
The story that inspired The Sound of Music
Out of Stock
$36.00  Inc Tax
The Secret Diary of Elisabeth Leseur

This inspiring book gives you a splendid example of how to live as a Christian in a secular environment that can be indifferent or hostile to your Faith. For Elisabeth Leseur had two great loves: God, and her husband Felix. Felix loved Elisabeth as well; yet to their mutual sorrow, he couldn’t share the life of the Spirit that Elisabeth cherished.

Occasionally the happiness of their life together in upper-class Parisian society was shattered by Felix’s frustration and impatience. How could such an intelligent woman waste her time, as he saw it, with ignorant superstitions? Sometimes he and his friends would even ridicule and mock her faith.

But Elisabeth loved Felix too much to allow their home to degenerate into an emotional war zone. She realized that confrontations and arguments were useless; she chose instead to keep quiet and pray for Felix. In her secret diary, she recorded how she used his efforts to destroy her faith as means to grow in love for him and for God.

Throughout their life together, it grieved Elisabeth to think that Felix might be separated from her for all eternity because of his rejection of God. For her, life in Heaven wouldn’t be happy without him. Yet when she died prematurely, Felix was still an unbeliever.

The story doesn’t end there. When Felix found this diary, he discovered how Elisabeth’s whole life bore witness to the truth of the God she loved.

In time, Felix was transformed by the diary and his memories of Elisabeth. He became a Christian and, later, a priest. Now she may even be declared a saint. Elisabeth’s diary and spiritual writings (all included in this one volume) map out for you a path to marital harmony and greater love for God — especially if you love someone who stands outside the Faith. Let Elisabeth’s two great loves, and her faith and perseverance, inspire you now.

The Woman Whose Goodness Changed Her Husband From Atheist to Priest
$33.00  Inc Tax
The Smile of a Ragpicker
The Smile of a Ragpicker
The Life of Satoko Kitahara - Convert and Servant of the Slums of Tokyo
by Paul Glynn

Following his acclaimed work, A Song for Nagasaki, in which Fr. Paul Glynn told the powerful story of Dr. Nagai, a Christian convert of remarkable courage and compassion who ministered to victims of the atomic bomb attack on his city, The Smile of a Ragpicker brings us the heroic story of Satoko Kitahara, a young, beautiful woman of wealth who gave up her riches and comfort to be among the ragpickers in the Tokyo slums. Motivated by her newfound faith in Christ, she plunged into the life of the poor, regardless of the consequences.

As Satoko helped the poor with their material and spiritual needs, she also helped them to recover their self-respect and dignity. Satoko’s story demonstrates how one person’s life can affect so many others.

Every day Satoko encountered Christ in some new and challenging way, calling the Church back to identification with the poor. Like Dr. Nagai, she expressed her faith through the sensitivity and beauty of her own Japanese culture. Satoko died a young woman, in dire poverty. Yet her death, mourned by many thousands, reflected her triumphant life of deep Christian faith and charity.

This is a powerful story of reconciliation and healing, between people of different social, economic and religious backgrounds, inspired by a frail young woman of luminous faith. Illustrated with photos.

Softcover, 289 pages

The Life of Satoko Kitahara - Convert and Servant of the Slums of Tokyo
A Song for Nagasaki
A Song for Nagasaki
The Story of Takashi Nagai a Scientist, Convert, and Survivor of the Atomic Bomb
by Paul Glynn

On August 9, 1945, an American B-29 dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, killing tens of thousands of people in the blink of an eye, while fatally injuring and poisoning thousands more. Among the survivors was Takashi Nagai, a pioneer in radiology research and a convert to the Catholic Faith. Living in the rubble of the ruined city and suffering from leukemia caused by over-exposure to radiation, Nagai lived out the remainder of his remarkable life by bringing physical and spiritual healing to his war-weary people.

A Song for Nagasaki tells the moving story of this extraordinary man, beginning with his boyhood and the heroic tales and stoic virtues of his family's Shinto religion. It reveals the inspiring story of Nagai's remarkable spiritual journey from Shintoism to atheism to Catholicism. Mixed with interesting details about Japanese history and culture, the biography traces Nagai's spiritual quest as he studied medicine at Nagasaki University, served as a medic with the Japanese army during its occupation of Manchuria, and returned to Nagasaki to dedicate himself to the science of radiology. The historic Catholic district of the city, where Nagai became a Catholic and began a family, was ground zero for the atomic bomb.

After the bomb disaster that killed thousands, including Nagai's beloved wife, Nagai, then Dean of Radiology at Nagasaki University, threw himself into service to the countless victims of the bomb explosion, even though it meant deadly exposure to the radiation which eventually would cause his own death. While dying, he also wrote powerful books that became best-sellers in Japan. These included The Bells of Nagasaki, which resonated deeply with the Japanese people in their great suffering as it explores the Christian message of love and forgiveness. Nagai became a highly revered man and is considered a saint by many Japanese people. Illustrated

"Christians and non-Christians alike were deeply moved by Nagai's faith in Christ that made him like Job of the Scriptures: in the midst of the nuclear wilderness he kept his heart in tranquility and peace, neither bearing resentment against any man nor cursing God."
—Shusaku Endo, from the Foreword

Softcover, 267 pages

The Story of Takashi Nagai a Scientist, Convert, and Survivor of the Atomic Bomb
The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana volume 1
The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana volume 1
' The story and prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success are inseparable from the person of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres (1563-1635), a Conceptionist religious in Quito, Ecuador. Our Lady asked her to become an expiatory victim for the impurity, heresies, and blasphemies that would be unleashed on the Church in the 20th century. She agreed, thus linking herself to our times in a special way. 256 pp softcover. '
Out of Stock
$32.00  Inc Tax
The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana volume 2
The Admirable Life of Mother Mariana volume 2
' The prophecies specific to our times describe an enormous apostasy in the Church, the general corruption of the clergy and Prelates, heresies, the abandonment of the rules in convents and monasteries, and the culpability of high ecclesiastical authorities. Our Lady predicted that at the moment when the abuse of those authorities would reach an apex and the situation would seem lost, she would intervene and restore the Catholic Church to her proper splendour. 360 pp softcover '
$40.00  Inc Tax
Mother of a Family
Mother of a Family
The Life of Madame Gabrielle Lefebvre, 1880-1938
$11.00  Inc Tax
Encyclical: Fulgens Radiatur
Encyclical: Fulgens Radiatur
On St Benedict
by Pope Pius XII

Pope Pius XII writes on the life, times and the message of the great Father of Western Monasticism: St. Benedict. Pius XII explains and insists on the relevancy of the Rule of St. Benedict to the modern world. "The more things change, the more they stay the same."

Paperback, 23 pages
On St Benedict
$6.60  Inc Tax
Encyclical: Ecclesiae Fastos
Encyclical: Ecclesiae Fastos
On St Boniface
by Pope Pius XII

Pope Pius XII tells the riveting story of the life of the English Benedictine, St. Boniface, who became the apostle of Germany and the true "Father of the German people" by giving them life in Christ - incorporating them into His mystical body - all the while demonstrating a steadfast obedience to the Bishop of Rome.A martyr, he is buried in Fulda, Germany, where, to this day, the German bishops continue to hold their conferences. It is also a popular place of pilgrimage.

Paperback, 26 pages
On St Boniface
Joy in Suffering
Joy in Suffering
Rose Hu was born on May 4, 1933, in Shanghai, the eighth of nine children. She converted to Catholicism and was baptized on April 17, 1949 just six months prior to China officially becoming Communist. Following her arrest in 1951, Rose spent the next 26 years in Chinese concentration camps under Mao Tse-Tung. After her release in 1982, she was able to tell this story in her own words.This book is filled with the raw, unfiltered thoughts and experiences of a soul who endured much for Christ. What Rose suffered for her Catholic Faith defies belief, demands respect and certainly draws a clear picture of the treatment of Catholics under Communism in China.Recently translated for an English audience, this is an inspirational story of a young woman's life in communist China, that lead her to the Catholic Faith. She gives her account of Catholics suffering in a Chinese labor camp during the communists' persecutions in the 1950's. Her story is highly recommended by Fr. Daniel Couture, SSPX, her spiritual director.287 pp. Paperback. 287pp
A Young Chinese Woman's Heroic Catholic Conversion and Consequent 25-Year Imprisonment in a Chinese Labor Camp
$29.00  Inc Tax
Eleven, Thank God! Memories of a Catholic Mother
Eleven, Thank God! Memories of a Catholic Mother
'A personal side to the great 20th century theologian, distributist and Dominican Friar. A moving autobiographical study of Fr. Vincent\'s early years gives us a candid look into the life of a traditional Catholic family in the late 1800\'s. From the two children born at sea, to the McNabb boys rolling each other down the stairs in a laundry basket, hanging from the gutters, or drifting out to sea in a row-boat with no oars; we see how Fr. Vincent\'s mother and father handled it all and how their Catholic faith guided them. "Stands as a great apologia pro familia magna. A defense of the family that could thaw the most rigorous heart of our childless Age." - DR. WILLIAM EDMUND FAHEY 80pp'
Out of Stock
$24.00  Inc Tax
The Story of Auriesville \
The Story of Auriesville "Land of Crosses"
Where the Indian Trail of the Jesuit Missioner Ended and the Path to Heaven Began
$27.00  Inc Tax
The Life And Message Of Sister Mary Of The Holy Trinity: Poor Clare Of Jerusalem (1901-1942)
Life story of Louisa Jaques (1901-1942), author of Spiritual Legacy of Sr. Mary of the Holy Trinity, a Poor Clare of Jerusalem, to whom Our Lord gave messages about the love of His Heart for souls. Her Protestant childhood and youth in Switzerland, religious and philosophical yearnings, great love for her family, guilty friendship with a young married doctor, conversion, vocation and early death. Includes messages from Our Lord (from The Spiritual Legacy), arranged by topic; an article on the Poor Clares of Rockford, Illinois; and 55 photographs.
Garcia Moreno
Garcia Moreno
'Gabriel Garcia Moreno (1821-1875) was a model Catholic president of Ecuador. He courageously founded a Republic upon Catholic principles and publicly consecrated it to the Sacred Heart, and for this he was martyred by paid assassins. This biography by Fr. Berthe is the most complete and authoritative one in existence. It has been out of print in English since 1889 when it was first published. 412pp'
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The Life of Father De Smet, S. J.
The Life of Father De Smet, S. J.
'What a story! Fr. Pierre De Smet (1801-1873) is mentioned in U.S. history books almost as a footnote, but there was in the mid-19th century America no single person the American Indians trusted as they did this Jesuit Priest. He was "more powerful than an army" at a huge treaty conference of U.S. officials and the Western Indian nations near Laramie in 1851, and he was the chief negotiator at another, with the Sioux, in 1868. Impr. 431 pgs, PB 431pp'
Apostle of the Rocky Mountains (1804-1873)
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Bishop Curtis of Wilmington
Bishop Curtis of Wilmington
'A convert from the Anglican ministry; he went on to become a Catholic priest and bishop and was regarded as a saint by those who knew him; especially the Visitation Sisters; who maintain he is powerful to answer prayers. Contains his brief Spiritual Counsels; alone worth the price of the book. Beautiful insights into the development of the Church in America and of a saintly soul. 446 Pp. PB. Impr. 446pp'
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Pere Lamy
Pere Lamy
The accomplishments of his life are an amazing proof of what one priest can do. His depositions on religious subjects are profound and enlightening. It is said that he said the Rosary almost continually, slept only one or two hours a night, could smell sin through a penitent's perfume, regularly conversed with his guardian angel, effected miracles, and made prophecies. 224pp
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