St Francis de Sales

St Francis de Sales (21 August 1567 – 28 December 1622) feast day 29th January
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$21.00  Inc Tax
A Biography of the Gentle Saint
$33.00  Inc Tax
A Novel Based on the Life of Saint Francis de Sales
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$30.00  Inc Tax
Simple Advice for Renewing Your Spiritual Journey
$21.00  Inc Tax
Thy Will be Done
Letters to Persons in the World
$30.00  Inc Tax
A Story of St Francis de Sales
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$17.00  Inc Tax
The Spiritual Maxims of St. Francis De Sales

The Spiritual Maxims of St. Francis De Sales
Edited and Introduced by C.F. Kelley

All is gentle to the gentle, and all is holy to the holy.

We accuse our neighbour for little, and we excuse ourselves in much.
Those who run best in the race do not think of the crowd which is looking at them.

During his life, Francis De Sales had a gift for giving spiritual direction to lay people living ordinary lives in the world. He firmly believed that everyone could grow in holiness, even while engaged in very active occupations, and his books and volumes of letters addressing this need remain beloved works to this day. What is the secret of their longstanding value? It is the intimacy and at the same time practicality of the saint’s direction — for he speaks to us person to person. We recognize ourselves in what is said because he speaks of those things that each of us has experienced. This collection of maxims and sayings gathered from his many pages of spiritual counsel are words of advice that every friend of St. Francis has always been fond of repeating — words that serve as means of encouragement, points for meditation, counsels, exhortations, reminders. For St. Francis speaks as clearly to our twenty-first century condition as he did to that of his own spiritual family.

Paperback, 128 pages

Also available upon requested in Hacdcover (additional cost).

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$21.00  Inc Tax
St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de Sales
A Biography of the Gentle Saint
by Louise Stacpoole-Kenny

St. Francis de Sales is famous in the Catholic world for his personality, as well as for his writings and other accomplishments. When he was being considered for beatification, 5,000 witnesses testified to his heroic virtues and miracles. The Calvinist minister of Geneva said of St. Francis de Sales: "If we honored any man as a Saint, I know none more worthy than this man since the days of the Apostles." Impr.

Paperback, size 7" x 4.25", 348 pages
A Biography of the Gentle Saint
$33.00  Inc Tax
A Man of Good Zeal

A Man of Good Zeal
A Novel Based on the Life of Saint Francis de Sales
by John Edward Beahn

St. Francis was born in 1567 in Savoy, a duchy of the western Alps whose fortunes were largely shaped by developments in neighbouring France, Switzerland, and Italy. Military and political conflicts there were heightened and complicated by religious tensions between Catholics and Protestants, whose leader John Calvin had settled in nearby Geneva and won a following in some districts of Savoy as well. Francis aristocratic father had great plans to position him for rapid advancement in this turbulent setting: He sent the young man to law school, manoeuvered for his appointment as a senator, and chose a noble heiress as his future wife—but God had other plans.

This book tells the inspiring story of how Francis risked his life to win thousands back to the Catholic faith, transformed the Diocese of Geneva as its bishop, and wrote the spiritual classics that eventually led Rome to name him a Doctor of the Church.

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 252 pages

A Novel Based on the Life of Saint Francis de Sales
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$30.00  Inc Tax
Picture Book of Saints #03
Picture Book of Saints #03
by Fr Lawrence G. Lovasik

St. Joseph Picture Book Series, Part 3 of 12 books on the "Super-Heroes of God"--commonly known as Saints--by beloved author Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D. introduces Catholic children to 15 of the most well-known Saints. Among the features of this book are:

  • a full-color illustration of each Saint
  • short, easy-to-understand lives of the Saints that offer a window on what made them so special in the eyes of God
  • the feast day for each Saint in accordance with the liturgical calendar of the Catholic Church

Saints included in this edition are:

St. Francis de SalesSt. Thomas AquinasSt. Isidore the FarmerSt. John the Baptist
St. BenedictSt. Clare of AssisiSt. BernardSt. Augustine
St. Charles BorromeoSt. Frances CabriniSt. ElizabethSt. Cecelia
St. Francis XavierSt. John of the CrossSt. Catherine LaboureOur Lady, Queen of All Saints

Paperback, size 7" x 5", 32 pages
$4.00  Inc Tax
Self Conquest
Self Conquest
compiled by Fr Francis X. Lasance

"The conquest of self is the grandest triumph that man can achieve."  

Self Conquest holds inspiring thoughts for each day of the year. Reflecting on these counsels, drawn from the Scriptures and sayings of numerous saints, including St. Teresa of Avila, St Ignatius of Loyola, St. Francis de Sales, and St. Alphonsus Liguori, will assist us in striving for sanctity.

Flexi leather cover, size 7.4" x 5.3", 216 pages, Impr 1936
Wisdom of St Francis de Sales
Wisdom of St Francis de Sales
by St. Francis de Sales

These sayings from St. Francis de Sales have been gleaned from his collected letters, homilies, conferences and publications. While almost always taken from within a larger context, these quotes provide convenient distillations of his rich insights on the love of God, self, others and the created order. 

The foundation for all of DeSales' writings is the imitation of what Jesus called the "greatest commandment:" to grow in the love of God and neighbor. This love is strengthened through the celebration of sacraments, the practice of prayer, and a union of our will with God's will in even the most ordinary aspects of life. Love of God must deepen our love of neighbor, best expressed in the practice of gentleness; love of neighbor must deepen our love for God, best expressed in the practice of humility.

Booklet, size 8.5" x 5.5", 26 pages
$9.90  Inc Tax
The Life of St. Francis de Sales
The Life of St. Francis de Sales
by Michael de la Bedoyere

“I must now quite simply confess that the writing of this book has left me with the conviction that St. Francis de Sales is the greatest of saints—at least for modern times.” — Michael de la Bedoyere, Author

Meet the saint who wrote the guidebook to holiness.

As a nobleman and Bishop of Geneva, St. Francis de Sales was known for his sincerity, charm, and personal holiness. His most significant work, Introduction to the Devout Life, was an immediate best-seller and has remained so for centuries. This pioneering book showed that the Christian life is not the prerogative of the religious and “pious” but a call to everyone, of whatever rank or state of life, to grow in their faith and devotion to God.

Relying mainly on St. Francis de Sales's letters, Michael de la Bedoyere endeavored to explain this delightful saint's personality, spiritual heroism, charity, and outstanding personal attraction in this exceptional biography.

“So closely did he model his life on Our Lord, as I myself saw, that many a time I asked myself with astonishment how a mere creature could reach to so high a degree of perfection, given human frailty.” —St. Vincent de Paul

Hardcover, size 9.25" x 6.3", 254 pages

Roses Among Thorns

Roses Among Thorns
Simple Advice for Renewing Your Spiritual Journey
by St Francis de Sales

From the thousands of personal letters by St. Francis de Sales comes this short, practical guide that will develop in you the soul-nourishing habits that lead to sanctity.

St. Francis de Sales is widely regarded as one of the greatest spiritual advisors in the history of the Church, and we have drawn from his letters the wisest advice for those prepared to take the next step on their spiritual journey.

As he did for saints and sinners in his own time, St. Francis de Sales will strengthen your resolve, help you gain small victories over unruly passions, and restore in you a trusting confidence in Jesus Christ. Soon you’ll find yourself delivered from the chains of self-love as your soul opens to divine goodness and your heart shaped into a fitting place for Christ to dwell and reign eternally.

If you find it difficult to live amid the clamour of the world with your eyes fixed on Christ alone, let St. Francis de Sales teach you how to live as a true rose among thorns as you learn . . .

  • What to do when you stop finding consolation during prayer
  • How to place yourself in the presence of God
  • How busy people should pray
  • Do you fear vice more than you love virtue? A guide to discernment
  • How to be patient with your family
  • The dangers of too many devotions
  • How to know when your feelings are from God or the devil
  • What to do about repeated spiritual dryness
  • The three things you must do to be at peace
  • How to avoid thoughts that give us anxious and restless minds

Absorb the wisdom in these holy pages, and you’ll soon make true progress on your spiritual journey and navigate with confidence the treacherous waters of our secular world.

Paperback, size 7" x 5", 128 pages

Simple Advice for Renewing Your Spiritual Journey
$21.00  Inc Tax
Thy Will be Done
Thy Will be Done
Thy Will be Done
Letters to Persons in the World
by St Francis de Sales

Three centuries ago, people flocked to St. Francis de Sales, seeking his help for their problems. St. Francis spent countless hours ministering to them face-to-face and wrote over 20,000 letters! From these letters to persons in many countries and in all walks of life, we've selected the ones which will be most helpful to you today.

Each is a hand-written response to someone like you seeking help with an actual problem. You'll be consoled by the warmth, the wisdom, and the holy sympathy you'll find in these pages as the love of this great saint reaches out to us across the centuries. Whatever your circumstances may be, there's wisdom here to make your life holier . . . and happier.

Wisdom for difficult situations . . .

  • To a pious wife: how to be devout without irritating your husband
  • To an old man, preparing for death
  • To a woman who judges herself harshly
  • To a woman distressed by her lack of spiritual progress
  • To a newlywed, teaching the duties of married life and how to fulfill them
  • To a new widow who finds life alone a terrible burden
  • To a young man, showing him how to treat his parents better
  • To a nun, on placing ourselves in the presence of God
  • To a married woman trying to bear patiently her live-in parents-in-law
  • To a pregnant woman, tired, sick, and discouraged, who thinks she doesn't pray enough
  • To a childless woman, helping her to accept this sorrow
  • To a priest, on staying faithful to his calling
  • To a nervous woman, showing her how to be less troubled
  • To a woman troubled by sinfulness in the world
  • To a businessman, showing him how to find God in his busy life
  • To an overworked woman
  • . . . plus help for dozens of other problems we all face!

Solutions to common troubles . . .

  • Family problems — how to keep calm, and even use troubles to improve your family
  • Anxiety about the future: your job, your children, anything at all. It can be overcome!
  • Your flaws — the right response to them. Plus, ways to bear those you can't overcome
  • Family, work, prayer: which should come first? How to set your priorities
  • Three criteria for judging pastimes. Do you really know which are spiritually healthy and which are dangerous?
  • Helplessness: coping when you're not in control, especially during times of sickness or loneliness
  • The roots of heresy — why you must understand Scripture in light of Church teachings
  • Temptation and sin: how to turn them into spiritual victories

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 264 pages
Letters to Persons in the World
$30.00  Inc Tax
Proudly We Hail
Proudly We Hail 
A Story of St Francis de Sales
by Brother Flavius, C.S.C.

In 1567, Francis was born in Savoy, France. Even at his baptism, people in attendance could sense that there was something special about this child of God. During his college years, Francis experienced a deep despair. Remembering that the Blessed Virgin is the comfort of despairing sinners, he turned to her for help. Afterward, he experienced a deep peace and his despair was gone. Francis lived a life of simplicity and kindness that helped bring others closer to God. Reading this story can encourage us to follow in the footsteps of Saint Francis de Sales, who called on the Blessed Virgin Mary in his hour of need and whose kindness helped others experience God’s peace.

Level 2

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 88 pages
A Story of St Francis de Sales
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$17.00  Inc Tax
The 35 Doctors of the Church
The 35 Doctors of the Church
by Fr. Christopher Rengers OFMCap, Matthew E. Bunson, PhD

The 35 Doctors of the Church presents the most comprehensive and fascinating collection available anywhere on the lives and labors of the saints who have been declared the Church’s Doctors.

From St. Athanasius (c. 297–373) to St. Thérèse of Lisieux (1873–1897), you’ll find the amazing stories of 35 extraordinary men and women who are honored both for their holiness and for the eminence of their teachings about the Faith.

Their work and witness are truly timeless; their lives and wisdom show us how to be holy in our own lives, how to confront the challenges of today, and how to proclaim the Gospel to a modern world hungering for Jesus Christ.

St AthanasiusSt EphremSt Cyril of JerusalemSt Hilary of PoitiersSt Gregory NazianzenSt Basil the Great
St Ambrose of MilanSt JeromeSt John ChrysostomSt Augustine of HippoSt Cyril of AlexandriaPope St Leo the Great
St Peter ChrysologusPope St Gregory the GreatSt Isidore of SevilleSt Bede the VenerableSt John DamasceneSt Peter Damian
St AnselmSt Bernard of ClairvauxSt Hildegard of BingenSt Anthony of PaduaSt Albert the GreatSt Bonaventure
St Thomas AquinasSt Catherine of SienaSt John of AvilaSt Teresa of AvilaSt Peter CanisiusSt Robert Bellarmine
St John of the CrossSt Lawrence of BrindisiSt Francis de SalesSt Alphonsus LiguoriSt Therese of Lisieux

Originally published as The 33 Doctors of the Church by Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M.Cap., the 35 Doctors of the Church has been updated by Matthew E. Bunson, PhD, to include two new chapters about recently proclaimed Doctors, St. John of Ávila and St. Hildegard of Bingen. The revised edition also includes a new introduction with a detailed explanation of how the Church proclaims Doctors and their meaning for today. 

Paperback, size 9" x 6", 730 pages
$70.00  Inc Tax
My Daily Visit with the Saints
My Daily Visit with the Saints
by Charles Kenny

My Daily Visit with the Saints is a compilation of meditations from the writings of saints and servants of God.

These holy men and women — over 65 contributors! — wrote from the time of the Apostles to the late 1800s during times before political correctness had taken root. Their words are boldly faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and are sure to guide you in her ways. In fact, these meditations cover 139 vital topics ranging from anger to mortal sin to death and much more. In strong, clear voices the saints left us these prayerful meditations, sure protection against sudden temptations, and lucid answers to sharp questions about the Faith. In a word, this one rich volume will serve you as a deep catechism, a spur to conscience, and a call to prayer.

How often do you find time to read the saints' writings? My Daily Visit with the Saints makes it easy to stay close to the holy men and women who have gone before you. Let your daily visit with God's faithful servants breathe into you a strong new spirit of piety and devotion, and bring you the everlasting consolation known only to those who stay close to Jesus in all that they do.

Concise meditations by saints and servants of God on each of the following topics:

Abstinence * Ambition * Anger * The Annunciation * The Ascension * The Assumption * Atheism * Avarice * Baptism * Blasphemy * The Catholic Church * Chastity * The Commandments * Communion * Confession * Confidence in God * Conscience * Dangers of the world * Death * Discord * Envy * The Epiphany * The Eucharist * Fashion * Fasting * Fear of God * Flattery * Friendship * Gambling * Good works * Grace * Habitual Sin * Hardness of Heart * Heaven * Hell * The Hidden life of Jesus * Holiness * The Holy Name of Jesus * The Holy Name of Mary * The Holy Rosary * The Holy Spirit * The Holy Trinity * Human Respect * Humility * Hypocrisy * Idleness * Ignorance * The Immaculate Conception * The Incarnation * The Infancy of Jesus * Intemperance * Jealousy * The Last Judgment * The Law of God * Love of Enemies * Love of God * Love of Neighbor * Lying and Trickery * Marriage * Meditation * Meekness * Mental Prayer * The Mercy of God * Mortal Sin * Obedience * Occasions of Sin * The Particular Judgment * The Passion of Our Lord * Passions * Peace of Soul * Penance * Perseverance * Piety * Poverty * Prayer * Predestination * The Presence of God * The Prosperity of the Wicked * Providence * Prudence * Purgatory * Purity * Rash Judgments * The Resurrection * Retreats * Riches * The Risen Jesus * Salvation * Scandals * Self-love * The Service of God * Slander * Temptations * Theft * The Transfiguration * Venial Sin * The Virgin Mary * The Visitation * Vocation * The Will of God * The Wounds of Jesus * plus many more!

Contributing saints and servants of God include:

St. Aelred (1110-1167) • St. Ambrose (340-397) • St. Astère (d. c. 400) • St. Athanasius (c. 296-373) • St. Augustine (354-430) • St. Basil (c. 329-379) • St. Robert Bellarmine (1542-1621) • St. Bernard (1091-1153) • Fr. William Berthier, S.J. (1704-1782) • Card. Pierre de Bérulle (1575-1629) • Fr. Jacques Biroat (d. 1666) • St. Bonaventure (1221-1274) • Bp. Jacques Bossuet (1627-1704) • Fr. Henri-Marie Boudon (b. 1624) • Fr. Louis Bourdaloue (1632-1704) • Fr. Étienne de Bretteville (1630-1688) • Abp. Bartholmew de Carranza (d. 1576) • Fr. Matthieu de Castillo, O.P. (1664-1720) • St. John Chrysostom (c. 349-407) • St. Claude de la Colombière (1641-1682) • Fr. Francis Cordier (d. 1695) • Fr. Jean Crasset (1618-1692) • Fr. Croiset, S.J. (b. c. 1650) • St. Cyprian (c. 200-258) • Bl. Peter Damian (988-1073) • Fr. Nicolas de Dijon (d. 1696) • Fr. Piere de la Font (d. c. 1700) • Ven. Louis de Grenada (1505-1588) • St. Edmund (d. 1242) • St. Ephrem (d. c. 379) • Fr. Frederick Faber (1814-1863) • Abp. Franςois Fénelon (1651-1715) • Bp. Esprit Fléchier (1632-1710) • Bp. Jean de Fromentière (1652-1684) • Fr. John Garnier, S.J. (1612-1684) • Fr. Jaques Giroust (1624-1689) • St. Gregory (c. 540-604) • St. Gregory of Nazianzen (329-390) • Fr. Vincent Houdry, S.J. (1630-1729) • Fr. Laurent du Jarry (1658-1730) • St. Jerome (c. 347-420) • St. John of God (1495-1550) • Fr. Jean LeJeune (1592-1672) • St. Leo (d. 461) • Bp. Jules Mascaron (1634-1705) • Fr. Jean Massillon (1663-1742) • St. Philip Neri (1515-1595) • Fr. Jean de Nieremberg, S.J. (1590-1658) • Fr. F. Nepveu, S.J. (1639-1708) • Fr. Nouet, S.J. (1605-1680) • Fr. Armand de Rancé (1626-1700) • Fr. Alphonse Rodriguez, S.J. (1526-1616) • Fr. Charles de la Rue (1643-1725) • St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) • Fr. Paul Segneri, S.J. (1624-1694) • BL. Charles Spinola (1564-1622) • Fr. Claude Texier, S.J. (1610-1687) • Fr. Luke Vaubert, S.J. (1644-1716) • Fr. Louis Le Valois (1639-1700) • Fr. Antoine Verjus, S.J. (1652-1706) • and many more!

Paperback, size 8.5" x 5.5", 469 pages
Mystical Flora of St Francis de Sales (paperback)
Mystical Flora
by St Francis de Sales

The love of nature in our days has gone so far apart from Christian feeling. Men have forgotten that God’s thoughts find expression in the visible, as well as in the invisible world, and that inner and secret harmonies bind the natural and the supernatural together. The things of beauty which God has bidden arise on the earth lose half their grace, because men do not mount by them to the better understanding of the supernal beauty of the operations of that world which Faith reveals to our gaze.

The God who writes his thoughts in the Book of Nature is the same who writes in the Book of Scripture. And those whom He sent to expound to mankind the teachings of the latter have ever loved to illustrate its heavenly doctrine from the pages of the former.

The Mystical Flora of St. Francis de Sales is an attractive anthology of his writings drawn from the saint’s collected works using allusions to plant-life to explain the Christian life. Ordered into seven sections, it presents a heartfelt address to the men and women of the world, using comparisons drawn from nature to illustrate the operation of grace in the spiritual life. The writings of the saint have not been drawn at random, but carefully arranged in such a way as to form a perfect little treatise on the devout life, from its first principles to its consummation, according to the plan of St. Francis himself in his works.

The Mediatrix Press edition has been retypeset in conformity with the original, and contains the original illustrations. It is not a facsimile reprint.

Paperback, 158 pages

Also available in Hardback with dust jacket on request (additional cost)

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