Great Penitents

$27.00  Inc Tax
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Great Penitents
by Fr Hugh Francis Blunt

In this selection of more unknown penitents, there is the design to show that every age is the age of penitence; that every day the Prodigal Son is coming back home to his father, in the twentieth century as well as in the third, joyfully testifying to the old truth that it profiteth a man nothing to gain the whole world and suffer the loss of his own soul. These men whose stories are told here are witnesses to the wisdom and the beauty of the penitential life. Their sacrifices were heroic. Yesterday their lives a scandal, today an inspiration to all. Includes lives of St John of God, St Camillus de Lellis and the Jesuates founded by Bl. John Colombini.

Paperback, 270 pages
  • Availability: Out of Stock